How It's Really Going with Shana Recker

129. MUST LISTEN for new entrepreneurs who want their business to be successful!

Shana Recker Season 3 Episode 129

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In this episode, I share why I am so freaking proud of myself right now. After finishing my most successful masterclass EVA I had a moment of "hey... I did that!" Those feelings triggered me to almost an emotional state of looking back over my 4 years on business and how far I've come. September has been one of my most profitable months since launching my business in June of 2016. But the success I'm feeling right now isn't here because I stayed in my comfort zone... no way Jose - it's because I did all the uncomfortable stuff, the stuff that I was scared out of my whits to do.

And for that... I'm super proud of myself.

If you are someone in business or thinking of starting a business this episode is a must if you want to make it.

If you missed the 3-Day Masterclass, not to worry, you can get all caught up here:

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Shana Recker Art: @shanarecker_art

Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, welcome to the dream Hustle podcast, this show that shares authentic and unfiltered advice on how to build and grow a successful dream business online. I'm your host Shana recker. I'm a business and online entrepreneur and I love helping women bust through the fears and find the strategies to make their dream business come to life. My guests and I keep everything super real here for you guys with our stories and tips for success. So let's dig into today's episode. Good morning everybody. Welcome to this quick. Yeah, with Shana and today I wanna talk about courage. I want to talk about taking action. Would you hear me talk a lot about, but I wanna really talk about something here. I just wrapped up my three day masterclass last week. First-Class, we talked about clarity and seeing your idea and your niche and your, you know, who you're going to help and serve. And then day two we talked about content and like how to use that clarity to create content that you can use to build your business. And then in the third masterclass we talked about courage and about the courage to get started because the thing is, is that everybody that joined that masterclass was there because they have a business idea that they want to act on, but they haven't acted on it yet because there some fears and there's doubts and there's um, you know, uncertainty. So when I, when I talked in that third master class, I talked masterclass, I talked about courage, I was looking at, you know, even when I look at my own business journey and what I've done, and it actually was in creating the notes for that class and even actually executing that masterclass and putting it together, I had over 60 students in their, you know, we did three live classes. I trained and I was sitting thinking like, like I did that. Like I, I created something that I could, you know, a platform that I could teach people in. And I created content for that. And I taught and I got such great response and we had such great conversation there. And I was like, I did that. And I had this like moment of feeling really proud of myself. And I think as entrepreneurs we kind of get stuck in this space of always doing and creating and helping other people. And I think we forget to sometimes stop and like go like damn, like I'm doing this. Like I'm actually doing this and giving ourselves a bit of a pat on the back. And so it actually inspired me last week to create an Instagram post and the starting sentence was, I'm so proud of myself and I say that without any kind of feeling like I shouldn't be saying that or that, um, being bragging or boastful and I don't, I say that full on that I am freaking proud of myself. You know, I've been building this online business for four years and in this four years I have taken a lot of courageous action. And you guys, I just wrapped up, I'm actually not even wrapped up. It's only September. At the time of this podcast is September 12th and I've had my most profitable month yet in my business. And it's not even the, the month isn't even over. I'm only halfway through and when I look back at, you know, how I got here, you know, and I mean here to me is like still just the beginning. I haven't even come close to accomplishing the goals that I want in my life and in my business, but to be at this point, you know, looking at everything that I've done to get here, it's been a lot of walking through fear. It's been a lot of courage, a lot of courageous actions of putting myself out there and various different ways and trying different things and being courageous. And in my, in my post I said, you know, I'm proud of myself right now. I'm proud of myself for what I'm done. And I said, I'm proud of myself for taking the risks with no clues, like no certainty if it's going to work, putting a business out into the world with zero followers, zero people who really even know who I am and, and starting a coaching business, you know, I'm proud of myself for overcoming the fears of judgment of what other people were going to think. You know, going from being an a in a top network marketing spot to starting another business, you know, people judge that they think that your business is failing. Why would you do that? You know, why would you leave network marketing? You know, I, it's not that I left network marketing, but why would I even consider starting something else? You know, there's a lot of fears of judgment that I, that I just put aside. It's not that those fears weren't there and it's not that the judgements weren't there. I just didn't let them stop me proud of myself for being brave enough to change directions in the middle of my business. I started my business coaching network marketers and realized in my first year and a half that that really wasn't what I, what I should be doing. And I completely changed directions and started consulting and coaching his new entrepreneurs and getting the startup stuff going. I'm, I'm helping new entrepreneurs build those foundations for their business. And I made that shift midway through knowing that I'd probably lose followers and knowing that, you know, people would have questions and knowing that it's going to have to be a whole new lot of work for me to start talking about something different. But I did anyways, you know, and I'm proud of myself for creating online courses that completely flopped, completely flopped. I created a whole course in the summer of 2018 I launched at the end of the summer and I thought it was amazing. I spent a lot of time on it and I launch it and I get crickets, nobody, zero people sign up for it. And you know what? I'm proud of myself for, for not letting that stop me. I launched that course and it didn't work. And you know what I did is I use that as an indicator. That was my moment of like, what? Why didn't this work? And it didn't work because I wasn't doing the thing that I know that I was meant to do and I didn't know it that clear in that moment, but I knew that that's something needed to change and that's when I, that's when I shifted gears and I'm proud of myself for taking the time to do that and not just throw in the towel and go, forget it. This doesn't work. And I'm proud of myself. You guys. I'm proud myself for writing copy end emails and sales pages and courses and all of the things that you have to write content for, blog posts, Instagram posts. When I completely suck, when it comes to writing and grammar, you know, I'm proud of myself for doing it. When I sucked, I'm actually getting a lot better. I have to say, every time I have to write something, every time I have to create something, my, my, my writing is getting better and better and better because I'm learning. But man, when I think about my first website that I ever put out there, oh Nelly, when I think about, you know, my first sales page that I ever created, I can't even, I don't even want to look at it. I couldn't even look at it. I'd probably, I dunno, like I just was horrible, you know? And I mean, I'm still not the most amazing copywriter and I have helpers now. But I mean, Gosh, you know what? I'm proud of myself for writing my own shit and putting it out there anyways. I'm proud of myself for investing thousands, multiple thousands of dollars in coaches when I quite frankly didn't have the money. My first mentor, I didn't have the money. I had to borrow it. My second mentor, I only had the first payment. I only had the first payment. I didn't have the whole thing. And I had to just trust in the fact that I was going to get it. I had to just trust in the fact that it was going to find its way to me or I was going to create this something to be able to earn the money to be able to pay for it, and every month I did, every month I had the money it came in. I'm so proud of myself, so freaking proud of myself for just jumping in and doing that even though I didn't have all the stuff, because in that moment of, of taking that thing, it's led me to where I am today. It's taking that fearful action and trusting and having faith that this will work out. I'm freaking proud of myself for that. I'm proud of myself, you guys, for traveling to masterminds by myself, going to these high level masterminds with amazing entrepreneurs. When I felt like I didn't belong there, like I'm not ready for this. Who am I to be in this mastermind with people like Chris and Lori harder? I am too new. This is not for me, but you know what? I didn't let that fear stop me. I got courageous and I went anyways. And you guys, I met the most amazing people in those masterminds. I have relationships that have not only changed my life but changed my business and I'm connected to so many awesome people because of that fast foundations mastermind. And I'm proud of myself for hopping on a plane and going anyways and just doing it. It works out. It worked out. You guys. I'm proud of myself for starting a podcast. This podcast. When I started this, you guys, I think I spoke into my iPhone. I didn't even have a microphone. I don't know what I was doing. All I knew is I needed to record the things. I needed to have some sort of Intro, I needed some music, I did some research, um, you know, talk to a few people. And I started, I created a cover cause I'm a graphic designer. So that piece me was easy. And then I figured out how to get it on iTunes. I host a podcast, shows all the things, uh, and I put out a podcast and you guys, we've been doing this for three years. We've had over 86,000 downloads. Now I know that's not record breaking it. I'm not a new and noteworthy on iTunes or any of that kind of shit yet, but you know what? I'll be there and I'm going to keep going until I am, but I'm proud of myself for just doing it and for just doing it. You know? Like I could've said, this is too hard. I don't know. You know? I could've just said, forget it. You know? It's too difficult. I'll just do these other things, but I did it anyways, you guys. I'm proud of myself for figuring it out and launching it dirty, messy, not perfect with bad copy, all the things anyways, because here's what I know. Here's what I know. All of those things that I just went through, you guys, all of those things have been, it makes you emotional. You guys know what to tell you about this stuff. I get, I get kinda crate cry if that's even a word. All of the things that I just talked about, you guys, all of those things have been what has led me to this most successful month in my business and my business thus far. It's all of the ugly, messy fear, fearful taking courageous actions. I don't even know how to properly say that sentence, but you know what I mean. It's in putting myself out there when I had no certainty that any of this shit was gonna work that I had no clue if people would want to follow me, listened to me think you know, like what I even had to say. And you guys, it has led me to, I've just officially launched my Third Group coaching program. Technically it's actually my fifth group coaching program, but it's the third in my new space of online business and it's called the dream hustle school. And this is my third time opening the doors for enrollment in this school. And this is the school where I teach new entrepreneurs how to build that digital foundation for their business so that they can launch confidently. And you guys, it's led me to, to feel really confident and secure in running this school, but I had to run it really messily the first time. Really uncertainly the first time. Really not sure if anybody would even like it or you know, if they'd like what I taught. I had to do it with fear. I had to scrounge up as much courage as I could to put it out there and find people who would trust it and follow me and do it. To actually see that it works. To actually see people getting results, to seeing new businesses being started, thanks to my help and support through the dream hustle school, I had to get really fricking courageous and put myself out there and new and different ways and yeah, I'm proud of myself for that and I'm proud of myself for being able to, taking that scared, messy action. And if anything you get out of this episode today, if there's anything I can say to you guys who are listening to this who want to do something different in their lives, who want to build the business or change directions or you know, start a podcast or whatever it is, I want to say to you guys, if you are waiting for everything to be perfect for the money to line up for everything to just fall into place so that you can do it in the most comfortable, easy way possible. I'm telling you right now, that's never going to happen. You have to go in it full on heart center, full on guns, a blazing with complete uncertainty with you know, a little bit of fear or a heck of a lot of fear. I'm going to say, and you've got to just take the step, take the risk, jump off the ledge. I promise you there's a net there and if you just take it you guys, it's going to lead you somewhere. It's going to lead you somewhere somewhere super amazing and it's not going to happen over night. For most of you. Maybe a few unicorns out there where success just happens to flip over overnight. You guys, I've been, I've been doing this in perfectly for four years and I feel like things are really starting to connect today. When I started this masterclass to go through the clarity and the content and the courage, I did it with this mission in mind. Part is that I want to inspire as many of you guys out there that are in that space of sitting in indecisions, should I start this business? Should I start this business? I want to do this. I really am passionate about this, but I'm fearful and I don't have the funds and you know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I am here to tell you, you need to take a step towards that goal, towards that mission. I don't know if that step is hiring a mentor like me joining a group coaching program, registering the business name, buying the domain. I don't know what that is for you in this moment, but whatever it is, do it and do it messy and just and just do it with all the fear and all the things. Just find the courage and do it because when you do the next step for you will appear and man, I'll be so proud of you frigging man. If you do something, if you take him, if you take imperfect, scary action on something after hearing this podcast, please send me a DM on Instagram and tell me about it. I want to hear from you. Say, I did this, I registered my domain name, I took the Instagram handle, I signed up for a class or I joined your program or whatever it is, somebody else's program even. I don't even care, but I want you to take action because here's the thing. Life is short. We don't know how long we have and it's taken me four years to get to this space. I want to be in my ultimate dream life sooner than later and I got to take imperfect Mex messy action in order to get that in order to get there faster. If I'm waiting for everything to all line up for me and everything to be perfect and you know, all the graphics and all the things in my grammar perfect in all my writing, like forget about it, it's gonna take me forever to get there. And I really don't know how much longer I have on this planet. And my mission is to make my life for my family the best life possible and to help as many female entrepreneurs out there get their business, their message, their mission out into the world. Because every time a new business gets launched, thanks to my help, that's even more people that are being helped, not only through me but through their business as well. And the ripple effect on that is huge and that just makes me so happy. It's so fulfilling to be able to wake up everyday knowing that that's what I get to do alongside the many other things that I do. I have multiple businesses, but in this particular business, this is my passion. This is my dream, this is my, I wake up every day, super excited to work on this, to work with my clients, to work on the programs and things. And so I just, I really hope that this message is hitting you right where it needs to so that you stop sitting in indecision and you take a step. And if that step means, if you want to join the masterclass and see the replays just to see what I'm talking about, um, you can do that. Go to Shana, the replays are there or just message me and I'll send you the link to them. If you want to look at the dream hustle school, if you want to get started and you want support, you want someone to guide you along the way. You want someone to hold your hand and you want somebody to give you feedback, help you make decisions, help you with the graphic design work, help you with the technical work. How does it all fit together? How do I launch my business? How do I create programs? If you want someone to walk you through all of that, take a look at my dream hustle school. That's exactly what I do. I teach you everything I know in building my own business. In that school. Not only do you get the recordings of all the lessons, you get 12 calls with me, you get three private calls with me so you get 12 group coaching calls with me over six months together and then you get three one-on-one, 90 minute calls with me to go through your specific stuff and not only that you get the community, all the like minded entrepreneurs are working together with you. There's only 10 spots for this. It's already been launched a to my masterclass group. It's been launched to my email list and my followers and now you guys are hearing about it and there's 10 spots. Actually at the time that you're hearing this, there may even be a few spots already gone, but if this is something you want to learn more about, you can go to Shannon, look for the dream hustle school. You can message me personally on Instagram, you at Shane and wrecker. I'm happy to share and have a conversation with you about it. If you want to apply for the program, you can do and you can also with that application, you're going to get a 15 a 1520 minute phone call with me and we're going to talk about your idea and let's flush it through and see if the school is the right space for you. All right guys, whatever it is, take the step and celebrate it every little step. Feel proud of yourself for doing that, for stretching out of your comfort zone and making it happen. It's the only reason I am where I am right now and I'm not even fully where I want to be yet, but I am getting there and it's because that I am not afraid.[inaudible] imperfect, messy action towards the same sames that I want in my life and I implore you to do the same. All right guys, that's it for me. I hope you have an amazing day. We'll talk to you soon. Until next time, time.

Speaker 2:

Bye for now.[inaudible].

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