#22: Discover Your Original Medicine with Gail Larsen, Coach to the World's Top Public Speakers
Allowed: Conscious Leadership and Personal Growth with Dr. Caneel Joyce
Introducing Gail Larsen, award-winning author and transformational speaker.
Gail has pulled unique voices from many people that the world has been influenced by.
Gail introduced Caneel to Diana Chapman and inspired the entire Allowed podcast, including the name!
What is Original Medicine? Speaking isnt about the words, its about who we are and the story we bring. If you are really going to touch people, it comes from a deeper place than making up content.
What is naming and why is so important? Naming our original medicine is naming our essence and once we name it, there becomes a purpose in expressing that. If we don't own our original medicine, we are ill.
We impact eachother through our willingness to embody our essence and our soul. We will be able to transform others once we have allowed ourselves to own and claim our original medicine.
It is all about energy and accessing an ease of energy in your purpose that tranforms how you work, how you relate to others, and how you show up in the world and in what you are doing. The 450 vibe on the scale of 1 to 1000 is the vibration of joy.
How do we maintain in the "In between Time"? You can hold your confidence. This is about loosening our roots in false soil and this is such an opportunity to see what no longer serves and make changes. If you want to change the world, tell a better story.
We are in a time of the breaking of bones and Gail shares her own stories about when she was spinning in circles and was literally stopped by circumstances.
What gold are we going to retrieve right now that would be lost to us from any other situation we would be in? What new story, vision, and possibility can we bring to the world by virtue of navigating this moment?
This is such a journey for those who have an identity of how things should be and how we should show up. But the reality of the unpredictability of life is upon us. That is getting our attention. We have an opportunity for transformation as a collective
This is a human experience that we are all sharing. We all have the permission to feel the grief, go into our internal well, and tune into our primal, primary needs. As a leader, this is a very important practice and it is ok to change deadlines or adjust
We have no choices right now except to change. A new story will unfold before us and there is a co-creative element and an opportunity to acknowledge our power and agency and ask others to do the same. Gail gives us 4 questions to ask ourselves.
Gail celebrates and highlights the Holy Fools of the world and how they are following what they are here to do and express their spark of madness that brings changes to the world in a really magical way. Go to holyfoolsday.com to join the contest.
This is a time to call on your imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge for navigating this moment. This is a chance for us to engage our imaginations and make up what we want. Gail challenges leaders to get away from “business as usual".
More Info
Allowed: Conscious Leadership and Personal Growth with Dr. Caneel Joyce
#22: Discover Your Original Medicine with Gail Larsen, Coach to the World's Top Public Speakers
Apr 07, 2020 Season 1 Episode 22
Caneel Joyce

This week we have the amazing, award-winning author of Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story (Random House and Brilliance Audio), founder of Real Speaking® (www.realspeaking.com), and SBA award-winning entrepreneur, Gail Larsen, on the show.

Gail's original approach to communication draws from her own journey as a speaker, her respect for indigenous wisdom, 3+ decades in the world of speaking, and wide experience in business and association management. She is a former EVP of the worldwide National Speakers Association and has taught at Omega, Hollyhockk and Esalen. Gail offers Transformational Speaking to a global audience through both her Online Academy and live immersions in Santa Fe, NM.

Gail is here today to share her transformational wisdom with all leaders and guide us through the grief process of our interrupted dreams, that will ultimately lift us up into a new vision of what life can be so that we can not only survive in this moment but THRIVE in it. See show notes and get free tools and guides at Caneel.com.

For complete show notes and additional resources, visit allowedpodcast.com