Thriving in Ministry

Shepherd Leadership | Pastor Craig T Owens

Kyle Willis | Dace Clifton | Craig T. Owens Season 4 Episode 90

On this episode of the Thriving In Ministry podcast, we interview Craig T. Owens about his new book Shepherd Leadership: The Metrics That Really Matter. If you want to be entered to win a FREE autographed copy of his book, share this episode on social media using the hashtag #ShepherdLeadershipBook and send a screenshot to to enter. 

Notable Quotable
"Only secure people can serve. Insecure people do not like to put themselves in a servant's posture because they think that people are looking down on them or people are going to treat them poorly." 

"You cannot give to others what you do not possess yourself. If you want a healthy flock, you as the shepherd leader must get healthy first." 

Craig T. Owens Bio
Craig T. Owens is the Pastor of Calvary Assemblies of God Church in Cedar Springs, Michigan. Craig graduated from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he met his wife Betsy over 35 years ago. In addition to being a pastor, he co-hosts “The Greg and Craig Show” Maximize Leadership podcast and is the author of the new book, Shepherd Leadership: The Metrics That Really Matter, which released yesterday September 28th, 2021. 

I’m Kyle Willis, Founder of Talanton Church Services, and as always Dr. Dace Clifton, from and also a pastor from Texas. 

Pastor Craig T. Owens welcome to the Thriving in Ministry podcast! 

Verse of the Day
John 13: 3-5
"Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him." 

Websites and Other Links

Shepherd Leadership Book - Amazon
Craig T. Owens - Website
Craig T. Owens - Twitter

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Talanton Church Services
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