Thriving in Ministry

Scuba Diving in the Pastorate | Anthony Svajda

Kyle Willis | Dace Clifton Season 4 Episode 91

On this episode of the Thriving In Ministry podcast, we interview Dr. Anthony Svajda on how to create margin, avoid burnout, and lead effectively. Anthony uses a scuba-diving analogy to explain the different pressures many church leaders can face while pastoring.  

Anthony Svajda Bio
Dr. Anthony Svajda is the Lead Pastor of Harvey Baptist Church in Stephenville, Texas. A graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Anthony has held a number of roles in churches throughout Texas. Anthony and his wife Kristen have two children and while not leading his church, he enjoys cycling through Central Texas. 

I’m Kyle Willis, Founder of Talanton Church Services, and as always Dr. Dace Clifton, from and also a pastor from Texas. 

Pastor Anthony Svajda welcome to the Thriving in Ministry podcast! 

Verse of the Day
Philippians 1:6

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." 

Websites and Other Links

The Church is Not Dead and We are Not Done Book - Amazon
Anthony Svajda - Website
Anthony Svajda - Twitter

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Talanton Church Services
Sow and Tether Music