Distinct Nostalgia

Carry On Season - We meet star of Jungle, Loving, At Your Convenience and Matron Jacki Piper


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Here we start a special season of interviews with surviving Carry On stars. First up star of Jungle, Loving, At Your Convenience and Matron Jacki Piper. Mark Burrows talks to Jacki about how she first got into acting and how she made her movie premiere with none other than Roger Moore. Jacki reveals what it was like to work with some of the Carry On icons and how she landed a rare contract.  The two other interviews in the series - Richard O'Callaghan (Loving, At Your Convenience) and Julian Holloway (8 Carry On's including Up The Khyber and Camping).

And you can hear lots of other comedy interviews and reunions by trawling through the Distinct Nostalgia programme list.

If you'd like to suggest an interview (or reunion) with a past star/stars of any soap, comedy, drama. children's series, quiz show or film, then please drop us a line via the contact us page on the Distinct Nostalgia website at www.distinctnostalgia.com or email info@madeinmanchester.tv

Distinct Nostalgia is a Made in Manchester Production.

NOTE: The Distinct Nostalgia theme is owned by MIM Productions and composed by Rebecca Applin and Chris Warner. 

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