mnemonic security podcast



Threat Intelligence-Based Ethical Red-teaming

In most organisations, there’s more to security than preventive measures. This means that testing your capabilities within detection, investigation and containment can be just as relevant as looking at preventive capabilities. One way of doing so, is by following the Threat Intelligence Based Ethical Red-teaming (TIBER) framework, and simulating a real adversary and how you organisation would do against such a threat.

To explain how a TIBER test is performed and it’s most common use-cases, Robby is joined by Stan Hegt, Etical hacker, Red teamer and Co-founder of the Dutch security company Outflank. Stan also shares his observations of the evolution of red teaming, the main differences between pentesting and red teaming, and what challenges they often meet when preforming these tests.

A special thanks to Dennis Nuijens at Cqure for helping us to find our guest for this episode!

Sound engineering by Paul Jæger

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