The Founders Live Podcast

168 - Julia Arndt of Peak Performance Method: What does Peak Performance Actually Feel Like?

Founders Live Season 3 Episode 168

Nick Hughes is joined by Julia Arndt of Peak Performance Method from Lake Tahoe, CA.  Julia Arndt is a stress management trainer, sought-after international speaker, and the founder of the Peak Performance Method. Julia is a perpetual high performer— top of her class and having landed her “dream job” at Google. Long hours, long drive and too many cups of coffee later, Julia found herself experiencing burnout. She wants to share her story to help others learn what she wishes she had known at the beginning of her career. 

As the episode starts, Nick and Julia get right into her background and journey into entrepreneurship, how she was working at Google but then dealt with burnout.  They talk about what anxiety actually feels like and how one can identify if they are trending that way. Nick then shifts the conversation to why Julia chose Entrepreneurship, we hear how she started Peak Performance Method and they discuss the  mindset needed to go from employee to entrepreneur. The crux of the conversation is around what does Peak Performance Actually Feel Like. They touch on limiting beliefs & ideas of breaking the habits holding people back, how mental health is just as important as physical health, strategies on how to avoid & overcome burnout. They end the conversation with lessons learned, what would Julia tell her younger self just starting this journey. This is an incredible conversation with an entrepreneur who has set out to help all of us understand burnout and mental health, we hope it helps you today.