
#35 • Telia Nevile

Confabulation Season 2 Episode 35

This week, we have a story from Telia Nevile, a writer, performer, photographer and poet. She told this story during our special event at the 2017 Montreal Fringe Festival. Our theme that night was On the Edge — stories of the outer limits, and beyond.
You can follow Telia on twitter here for more on her upcoming work.
We also speak to Montreal author Guillaume Morissette — definitely also follow him on twitter. His two books are The Original Face and New Tab.
We also also speak to Confabulation co-producer, Nisha Coleman. Her first book is Busker: Stories from the Streets of Paris. On Twitter, she’s @nishacoleman.
We also talk to lots of people — including Matt’s Dad, who has neither twitter nor a website, but may have an Instagram, Matt just doesn’t want to know.