
#40: Families


This week, we're exploring two stories on one of our favourite recurring themes: Family.

We've got stories from Johanne Pelletier and Ellie Skye -- both from past December Confabulation events.

This is Ellie's first and only story with Confabulation -- we wish her all the best!

Johanne Pelletier works in communications at Concordia University in Montreal. Her work is in developing ways of promoting university research to the public and managing communications planning and training for communicators.  

She is also a coach with a focus on storytelling, working with faculty and startups. Beyond her formal work role Johanne is a writer, storyteller, amateur boxing judge (@pinkinthering) and a decoder of the Anne Lister diaries (@annelisterdiaries). She has performed her stories for Confabulation in Montreal & Toronto, The Wiggle Room and Violet Hour shows in Montreal.

Thanks to the Conseil des Arts de Montreal for their support of Confabulation.

Music credit: Can't Have You by Bent by Elephants from their album This is Water. You can find more of their music at

Catch our upcoming live shows:
Victoria -- Confabulation: Be Prepared
Thursday, November 21, 2019
7:30 pm - 9:45 pm
Victoria Event Centre (VEC) – 1415 Broad Street

Montreal -- Confabulation: Inheritance
Saturday, December 7, 2019
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Phi Centre – 407 Rue Saint-Pierre