
#37: Manoosh Valipour

Confabulation Season 3 Episode 37

Confabulation is back with a new slate of stories, true as we can tell them!

In this mini-episode, we're teasing out our upcoming show in Montreal -- Confabulation: Hair. It's more than just fashion. Hair connects us to everything: cultural identity, generation, politics and so much more. We saw this theme in full effect in January 2019, with Manoosh Valipour's story from Confabulation: Rites of Passage at the Centaur Theatre.

Manoosh is a process engineer, quality management specialist and a problem-solver. Originally from Tehran, Iran, she now lives and works in Montreal at a United Nations organization. This was her first time sharing a story at Confabulation.

Thanks to the Conseil des Arts de Montreal for their support of Confabulation. Thanks as well to Centre Phi for hosting us, and The Montreal Intercultural Storytelling Festival for welcoming us into their line-up!

Music credit: Can't Have You by Bent by Elephants from their album This is Water. You can find more of their music at