Book Rant

A Love Letter to Stephenie Meyer

Book Rant Episode 19

In our most incoherent, tangental, sleep deprived, and overall nonsensical episode yet, we delve into two very different YA books and how they impact the way we read.

Jess rants about the trash fire that is Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer, which recounts the events of the first Twilight book from the perspective of Edward Cullen who, let's he honest, is a creepy serial killer. (sorry to any Twilight fans out there, but maybe sit this episode out or, like, you know, read better books that don't romanticize stalkers and their misogynistic thoughts). No spoilers, just honest opinions, because Jess could barely get through 25% of the book. DNF'ed and proud of it.

Vee gushes about Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo because all of the emotions the book gave her hadn't yet made their way into coherent thoughts. It's a great first book in a duology, and if you haven't heart the hype around it, yet, then don't waste your time and just go straight to reading the book because it's intriguing, has wonderful world building, and is perfectly paced. 

We talk Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey, Anne Rice, Dracula, V.E. Schwab, and what makes a good vampire story according to us.