Book Rant

Year in Books: 2020 (An Ode to the Library)

Book Rant Episode 23

It's that time of year again... when your brain is mush from all the reading you've been trying to stuff into the last few days of the year, because you haven't quite come to terms with the fact that you won't reach your reading goal for this year and that good habit you tried to pick up last, oh, what, a month or two, and you're too ashamed to even admit your shame to yourself.

Sound familiar? It's okay. It happens. 

But, hey. We made it through this year. Good for us.

And in celebration, we're learning from our #nopressure2020 and going into 2021 with wherever reading takes us.

Happy new year, good bye 2020, and go read. 

Oh, and we made a reading challenge for 2021!