Book Rant

Like Nothing We've Ever Read Before

Book Rant Episode 24

Jess and Vee both read books like nothing they've read before, even though Vee has already said that about the same author and - well,  Jess is probably right. She often is.

Jess reads The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab, a beautifully written story about a woman from the 18th century who makes a deal with night to live forever - but where no one will remember her. An instant classic!

Vee reads A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik and talks about the controversy surrounding the book, from first impressions and heightened emotions to opinions developed after taking in other people's perspectives and just, you know, giving it time. 

Oh, and of course, we gush about Bridgerton and The Story Graph!