Do Something Beautiful

60: Little Advent = BIG Results!

Nancy with Do Small Things With Love

Nancy is the founder of "Do Small Things With Love" Catholic blog and community for Catholic women. And, while she may be "doing small things" they are having a BIG impact!

Especially concerning ADVENT. She's got THE LIST for all Advent activities for kids, families, and adults to help people of all ages and stages of life prepare for, reflect on, and embrace the true meaning of Christmas.


You seriously, most definitely, do NOT want to miss THIS because (drum roll, please) it holds the golden key to the Do-Gooder's Guide to Christmas Shopping! 

Catholic Relief Services - Ethical Trade has come out with, honest to goodness, the most perfect holiday gift guide EVER. 

Every single one of the vendors has been vetted by CRS, so you can rest easy that all of your Christmas and Holiday purchases are not just NOT harming others, but are actually HELPING and EMPOWERING others. (can I get an AMEN!?) 

Shop the CSR Ethical Trade Holiday Gift Guide and then share that fantastic beauty with others! 

Peace and Joy!

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