Do Something Beautiful

64: How to Make a Priest Your BFF (Fr. Nathan Goebel)

Fr. Nathan Goebel

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This podcast episode is from the LIVE broadcast from SEEK 2019 conference in Indianapolis. I interview the wild and crazy Priest, Fr. Nathan Goebel, host from Catholic Stuff You Should Know podcast.

This convo is all over the place ... we talk about mullets, birthdays, friendship (I try to make him my BFF) and how we can use humor to connect or replace connections with people. We go deep and then we go back to poking fun at each other.

Fr. Nathan is a brilliant man. His humor can disarm you and make you feel at ease...but he has a heart of gold, and is always concerned about how he can help the other know and experience the Father's love.

LUX UNIVERSITY registration is open from Feb. 28-March 6! Find out more about this exclusive membership site for Catholic women who want to grow in Faith and Sisterhood.

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