Fathom: getting below the surface of the UK fishing industry.

All about that bass: Shaping the future of bass management

Chris Ranford

The Fathom podcast has partnered with The National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations (NFFO) to produce a series of informative and highly topical episodes, focusing on the challenges and opportunities facing UK fishermen in the post-Brexit landscape. In this fourth episode, NFFO CEO Barrie Deas and CFPO CEO Chris Ranford are joined by Lewis White and Robbie Fisher from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) who provided some inside insights into the upcoming bass Fisheries Management Plan (FMP).

The episode kicks off with Lewis and Robbie explaining why bass was chosen as a front-runner for this FMP, given its importance to the industry and the progress needed in updating current rules. They give some background to Policy Lab, the organisation tasked to engage with the industry to get a broad view of what needs to be included in the FMP, which will begin in the summer. Lewis and Robbie have already visited a number of fishing communities to carry out some initial groundwork. 

There’s a lot of interest in understanding what will be included in the FMP. In fact, it was a major topic of discussion in our last episode with themes like: flexibility for bass fishermen, issues of unavoidable bycatch, support for young fishermen and entitlements coming up. Lewis assures us that nothing will be left off of the table but also emphasised that there are no easy fixes in terms of overcoming the current challenges. 

The episode also considered how the FMP would operate alongside the European Union’s management practices. Robbie was keen to stress that cooperation in managing bass stocks would still be a high priority but that implementing our own management plans would enable us to more effectively target the specific domestic challenges the UK faces. 

Perhaps most importantly, our DEFRA officials highlighted the many pathways to involvement in the consultation process for the bass FMP. They were eager to note that the overarching principle behind the engagement was that it would be an open process. As well as a survey to register interest in the consultation, which you can find here, you can also email Policy Lab at: bass@policylab.gov.uk to find out more. In the Autumn some collaborative workshops will bring stakeholders around the table, to discuss the findings of the initial engagement which will then be put together in a report sent to DEFRA. While drafting the new FMP, DEFRA will then continue to check-in with regional fisheries management groups and others. A consultation on the draft plan should then be in place by next Autumn.

Tune in to the whole episode to learn more about consultation for the FMP: what will be in it, who will be a part of the process, when it will be ready and how it will all work!