Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Listening & Learning: Glen Guyton

SMC preachers

We continue our summer worship series in which we listen to and learn from Black preachers. Today: Glen Guyton, the Executive Director of our denomination, Mennonite Church USA. He loves pie and is funny (though his wife may disagree). And he preaches a good word: When we flee from our path, or lock ourselves away in fear, God invites us back again and again ("I got you..."), and Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on us, empowering us for the work of transformation and perhaps even some "good trouble" (RIP John Lewis). Sermon - "The Journey" - begins at 20:45.
Genesis 28.10-22; John 20.19-22
PHOTO: lettering by Amy Marie Epp, 2020
Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • As I went down to the river - Music & Words: American folk song, arr. ©2004 James E. Clemens

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