Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Citizen Discipleship

August 17, 2020 Amy Marie Epp

"Disciples of Jesus should be desperate citizens. The desperate citizen will press their citizenship as far as possible for the sake of thwarting death and its agents." Pastor Amy explores the work of theologian Willie James Jennings and discusses the way our citizenship in nation should be engaged in relationship to our citizenship in the Reign of God.  Now is not the time to opt out, when so many have had to fight desperately to be included.

Sermon begins at 22:32

Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Jesus Loves Me - Text: Anna B. Warner, 1859; Music: William B. Bradbury, 1862
  • What does the Lord Require - Words and Music by Jim Strathdee © 1986 Desert Flower Music/Jim and Jean Strathdee.

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