Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Just Enough for Today

SMC preachers

 We may be able to identify with the widow of Zarephath who, in a time of a devastating, nation-wide crisis feels ready to die.  In the midst of this certainty that she will not make it through, God provides a companion and the hope that each day she and her household will have just enough to make it.  Pastor Amy invites us to find hope in that idea that, though we will never be completely satisfied, when we feel alone and desperate God will give us the resources we need to make to the end of each day. 

Sermon begins at 27:23



  • "My shepherd will supply my need" Music: American folk melody, harmonized by J. Harold Moyer, © 1969 Faith and Life Press
  • "Just a closer walk with thee" Words and Music: North American traditional.

Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • "He came down", Words and Music: Cameroon traditional. Arr. John Bell © 1990 Iona Community, GIA Publications.
  • "Water has held us," Words: R. Deane Postlewaite. © 1978 Marjeane Postwaite. Music: Gaelic melody, harmonization by Martin Shaw © Oxford University Press.