Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

A Hope-Filled Crowd

January 17, 2021 SMC preachers

Crowds. They can be riotous, violent, insurrectionist mobs, afraid of losing power and hellbent on throwing a prophet off a cliff. Or they can be boisterous, hope-filled, sleeves-rolled-up masses resolved to build a movement for liberation. We meet both kinds in Luke's gospel and in our nation, both past and present. Recalling Jesus' inaugural teaching in his hometown, and honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pastor Megan ponders finding a home in the hope-filled crowd that support movements for liberation and celebrates good news for the outsiders of the outsiders. To watch the moving 2-minute film with archival footage, follow the link in "Additional Resources" below.
Sermon begins at minute 15:03
Scripture: Luke 4.14-30
Image: Photo by History in HD on Unsplash
Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Guide my feet - Text and Music: African American Spiritual; harm. Wendell Whalum, © Wendell Whalum Estate
  • Nothing is lost on the breath of God - Text and Music by Colin Gibson ©1996 Hope Publishing Co.

Additional Resources