Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

A Dispute Arose

SMC preachers

Acts tells us that as the community of disciples grew in number, “a dispute arose…” Not shocking for any of us who have ever been part of any human community: As numbers grow, disputes are surely to arise! This story of the early Jesus-following community trying to figure out how to organize themselves in the wake of Jesus’ death and resurrection, as their numbers are growing by the day, offers some insight into our own adventures in being community together. May we have ears to hear, and the grace to receive the Holy Spirit’s disruptions of our best laid plans as GIFT!

Series: Narrative Lectionary - Year 3 - Eastertide

Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Come Away from Rush and Hurry  Words - ©1999 MennoMedia Inc.
  • The Church of Christ Cannot Be Bound   Words - ©2005 GIA Publications , Inc.
  • Our God in Heaven  Words and Music - ©2008 Abingdon Press
  • Go Now in Peace, Worship Continues  Words - ©2004 Wayne Leupold Editions

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