Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Holy Spirit, Come with Power!

SMC preachers

We had a 15 minute service of worship and prayer today followed by continuation of our Congregational Meeting from last week.  Holy Work!

Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Holy Spirit Come with Power - Text: Anne Neufeld Rup © 1970, Spanish trans. Barbara Mink © 1980; Music: The Sacred Harp, 1844, Harm. Joan Fyock Norris © 1989
  • Renew Your Church - Text: K. L. Cober © 1960, renewed 1985; Music: American Traditional, adapt. The Sacred Harp, 1844

Additional Resources

  • Land Acknowledgement: Real Rent Duwamish
  • Prayers of the People Adapted from Peter Haresnape's "Prayer of Formation," sourced from Christian Peacemaker Teams worship resources for solidarity with water protectors.
  • Blessing our Offerings: Donation form 
  • Worship Psalm: Voices Together 184
  • Benediction by Weldon Nisly, sourced from CPT  worship resources