Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Resilience Through Difficulty

SMC preachers

 Jesus told a parable “toward the necessity” that his hearers might be urged to pray persistently and not be discouraged. It was the story of a woman - a widow - who nevertheless persisted in crying for justice from an unjust judge who self-avowedly neither feared God nor respected people. As we emerge to resurrected life as a church community, may we grow in resilience and persistence - in the face of all that is different, hard, uncomfortable. And may we tune into the voices around us persistently crying for justice. 

Series: Summer-Ordinary Time 2021

Scripture: Luke 18:1-8

Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • As We Rise, O God, to Meet You - Text:  David Wright © 2005; Music: James E. Clemens © 2005 
  • Longing for Light - Text and Music: Bernadette Farrell © 1993
  • We Your People Sing Your Praises - Text: Rebecca Mosley and Josephine Munyeli © 2013; Music: Salvatore Ferretti as sung in East Africa, harm. Mennonite Worship and Song Committee, 2019

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