Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Favored and Formed

August 29, 2021 SMC preachers

Summary: Pastor Amy realizes that God plays favorites! We, God's people, are the ones who God returns to again and again, we're invited to return to God's presence to be formed in worship. In worship we are shaped by the language in song, prayer and preaching.  Week after week we tell the story of God and God's favored people.  We come to understand who God is and who we are in relationship to God.  In the Magnificat, Mary's worship tell's God's story.  She passes the scripture and story and tradition on to Jesus, who also proclaims in worship, formed and favored by the story of the God who gave him life.  We stand in their tradition.

Series: Summer-Ordinary Time 2021



  • Your Grace Finds Me - Text and Music:  Matt Redman and Jonas Myrin; © 2013 
  • Together - Text and Music: Nathan Grieser; acc. Jonathan Landis © 2014

Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.