Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

A Great Feast

SMC preachers

Our final text in the Hebrew Bible, before arriving at the Gospel of John next week, is the beautiful poetry of Isaiah. We hear of God’s shalom vision: a great feast where thirst is sated and hunger no more; where none has need and we are shown that we’ve always had enough - plenty - abundance for all. As we seek God’s ways and reject all that blocks God’s feast, we become conduits of God’s Life to grow in and through and among us. And then, like the emotional finish line of a long race, creation itself cheers us on, bursting into song and bearing witness to the Abundant Life we together nurture. Thanks be to God!

Sermon begins at minute 3:21

Isaiah 55:1-13

photo: by
Natalia Mok on Unsplash
Bibleworm podcast:
Episode 316 – Come to the Waters, Amy Robertson and Robert Williamson, Jr.