Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Discipleship is like the Spiderverse?

SMC preachers

This passage of John continues the story of the "Word Made Flesh" in John 1 with the story of Jesus' first disciples.  There are three things Pastor Amy can talk about in this passage from: How the gospel of John is next level (everything in John has multiple meanings), how quality time is Jesus' love language (the disciples who find Jesus abide with him), and how discipleship is like the Spiderverse (just like anyone could be Spiderman, anyone can be a disciple - even you).

  • Scripture: John 1.35-51
  • Image: Photo by Joshua Hurricks from Pexels
  • Hymn: What Child Is This Tune: traditional Text: William C. Dix (England), Christmas Carols New and Old, 1871