The Reformanda Initiative

25. How do you define Roman Catholicism?

Leonardo De Chirico, Reid Karr, Clay Kannard Episode 25

How would you answer the following question: "How do you define Roman Catholicism?" It's an interesting and intriguing question that is difficult to answer. In this episode we discuss a definition crafted by the Reformanda Initiative that we hope provides good food for thought and encourages our listeners and evangelicals to do the same. The definition also gets to the heart of the theology of Roman Catholicism and sheds light on issues that are of great concern to evangelicals.

Roman Catholicism is:
A deviation from Biblical Christianity
that has consolidated over the centuries
by clustering around an imperial (Roman) institution,
centering on its sacramental system,
grounding itself on its synergistic theology and abnormal ecclesiology,
and being fueled by its universal (catholic) project of embracing the whole world.

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