The Reformanda Initiative

39. Augustine of Hippo: Why he is still Relevant Today, with Rachel Ciano

Leonardo De Chirico, Reid Karr, Rachel Ciano Episode 39

Listen as we talk with RSLN faculty member, Rachel Ciano, about the significance and importance of Augustine of Hippo. Why should evangelicals know and study the works of Augustine, and how should they approach the man who is claimed by both Roman Catholics and Protestants?

About Rachel Ciano:
Rachel moved to England in 2005, where she and her husband ministered at an evangelical anglican church in Hove, East Sussex. They returned to Sydney in 2009, where they began a church plant in Marrickville. Rachel completed her studies at SMBC in 2010, specialising in the English Reformation, particularly Thomas Cranmer and the interaction between two key points of his theology: his Erastianism and his Eucharistic position.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters by Rachel Ciano:

  • Maddock, Ian J., Stuart Coulton and Rachel Ciano. 10 Dead Guys You Should Know, (Fearn, Christian Focus, 2021).
  • Ciano, Rachel. "Lament Psalms in the Church: A History of Recent Neglect.” Pages 9-23 in Finding Lost Words: The Church’s Right to Lament. Edited by K. M. Barker and G. G. Harper. Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2017. (Available for purchase from the SMBC online store)
  • Ciano, Rachel. “Cranmer’s Doctrine of the Monarchy & Eucharist: An Examination of their Interaction.” Lucas: An Evangelical History Review 2:3 (2011): 19–43.
  • Allison, Gregg and Rachel Ciano. “Roman Catholic Theology and Practice of the Priesthood Contrasted with Protestant Theology and Practice of the Priesthood.” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 23/1 (2019): 137-55.

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