Sounds Interesting

The Curious Case of the Rendlesham Tape

Shyloe & Peter Season 2 Episode 7

Peter, Shyloe and Gabe hear startling revelations as they compare two UFO incidents, 40 years apart, both involving the U.S. Air Force, where audio recordings may be the most important part of the evidence.

The show opens with a sizzle reel of astounding audio recordings made nearly 40 years apart; one in the woods of Rendlesham Forest in the U.K. in 1980 and the others by fighter jet pilots encountering UFOs that were released by the Pentagon in 2021.
The events in Rendlesham Forest were captured by U.S. Air Force Col. Charles Halt, deputy base commander of RAF Bentwaters, near Woodbridge, Suffolk using a handheld recorder. The remarkable 18 minutes of audio allows listeners to hear in real-time Halt leading a group of military police and soldiers from the base as they search the woods of nearby Rendlesham Forest for signs of a crashed aircraft, only to encounter something that seems otherworldly instead.

Stunningly, the encounter, the tape recording and Halt’s subsequent report – the now famous Halt Memo – were largely ignored the U.S. military, who passed the incident off to their counterparts at the U.K. Ministry of Defence.

Sounds Interesting interviews Halt and plays his hair-raising original audio recordings as he details how he naively trusted his superiors, only to be betrayed. He confesses that the UFO encounter still haunts him.

We also hear from Nick Pope, a former civilian investigator with the ministry who examined the case and concluded the audiotape was a very important part of the evidence.
Pope also compares the Pentagon’s handling of the jetfighter cockpit recordings to the way they treated Halt and his taped evidence.
The Pentagon has been widely lauded for showing “transparency” for releasing the fighter jet recordings, and admitting they have no idea what the pilots encountered.

But Canadian researcher and ufologist Chris Rutkowski – who has donated more than 30,000 of his UFO investigation files to the University of Manitoba – shares a startling revelation in his interview about the Pentagon transparency theory. 

The Curious Case of the Rendlesham Tape is a real whodunit played out in sound that will leave you asking: What do your ears believe?