Legally Speaking Podcast

Go Legal Yourself - Kelly Bagla - S3E19

Legally Speaking Podcast™ Season 3 Episode 19

This week on the Legally Speaking Podcast, our host Rob Hanna is joined by Kelly Bagla.

Kelly is a legal entrepreneur who runs Bagla Law Firm in San Diego. Having achieved multiple degrees she worked for a Fortune 500 biotechnology company, managing 35 international subsidiaries. She then moved onto Baker McKenzie before starting her own highly successful firm. 

She's also an accomplished author, having written a well-reviewed book on the legal knowledge business owners should have (its called Go Legal Yourself: Know The Legal Lifecycle Of Your Business, and it's of course available in all good bookstores!).

In this enlightening episode, the pair discuss:

  • What made her leave her successful corporate law career to become an entrepreneur and author
  • Some top tips on starting your own business
  • Why she doesn't have any regrets about the path she has taken in her life and career
  • What made her decide to start her own toy business, which is now a profitable and multinational enterprise  
  • Why she still values a degree of work/life balance, despite her busy career
  • The under-acknowledged power of small businesses in the US economy
  • Her plans to write another book

A great episode for aspiring business owners, corporate lawyers, associates and interested students alike. 

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Robert Hanna (00:00):

Welcome to the Legally Speaking Podcast. I'm your host, Rob Hanna. Today, I'm delighted to be joined by Kelly Bagla. Kelly is a multi-award-winning businesswoman, founder, and general manager of her own law firm, Bagla law. She is also a multi degree qualified lawyer and real estate broker who practices in San Diego, California. Kelly is also the proud CEO of, a unique brand of do it yourself legal services that caters towards entrepreneurs by offering clear, concise all in one legal packages. So a very, very big welcome Kelly.

Kelly Bagla (00:43):

Well, thank you so much, Robert. I am super excited to be on the show.

Robert Hanna (00:47):

It's a real pleasure having you on and before we go through all your amazing work and what you've achieved, we do have our customary icebreaker question on the Legally Speaking Podcast, which is on the scale of 1 to 10, 10 being very real. How real would you rate the reality hit series 'Suits' in terms of its reality?

Kelly Bagla (01:12):

I'm going to say it's possibly a three or a four.

Robert Hanna (01:17):

Yeah, I think that's fair. And that's coming from a well-informed, good corporate lawyer.

Kelly Bagla (01:24):

Exactly. It's all made for Hollywood, isn't it? But God bless him.

Robert Hanna (01:30):

Bless them indeed. So we have to start at the beginning. Tell our listeners a little bit about your family background and upbringing.

Kelly Bagla (01:37):

I would love to, even though I'm based here in beautiful San Diego, California, Robert, I do have that slight accent and it is from across the pond. I was born and raised in England. I am the baby of seven children. I'm the youngest obviously, and very, very spoiled. And all of my family, they are in the medical field in one respect or the other. I was the only one that ventured out and decided to go into law. I knew at the age of five, don't ask me how, but I knew I wanted to do something different than my family. And so I actually saw my dad, my dad at the time migrated from India, with my mom. And he worked in a factory in Birmingham, Birmingham, good, old Birmingham. Right. And he actually worked his way up and he ended up buying the, the factory out.

Kelly Bagla (02:30):

So he became the owner and just sort of watching that was pretty remarkable and pretty incredible. And so now I found my role model and I knew I wanted to do something in business, but it's always a fantastic thing having a law degree, which you can pretty much use for anything nowadays. And so I set out, you know, I'm going down that legal path, if you will. Came out to the States, right after high school when I was about 16 years old and did my undergrad here in the States in business admin went back to England because mum said I was gone for way too long. I took advantage of that time and I went to law school and loved it there. And then I decided I didn't want to stay there for another three years. So I came back out to the States. I did my master's in law. And right after that, I sat for the bar, by the way, don't believe any of the lawyers that says that the California or the bar itself is easy. The California bar is the most difficult bar exam anyone can take. I know you interviewed lawyers from around the world and especially from within the different States of America, but you let them know and say, Kelly said California is the hardest bar exam for any attorney to pass. So obviously I passed that and my very first attorney positions well, but was the Baker and McKenzie at the time they were the largest international law firm in the world. So I must have gotten lucky somehow obviously I put in the hard work, but I loved my time there. I was the corporate and securities attorney, you know, the title sounds so, so Regal, I did quite a bit of cross border transactions. I did some international transactions and I just loved my time there. Loved it. I learned pretty much from some of the best attorneys out there, how to practice law. And then you sort of fast forward. Then I decided, well, it's time to move along because of, I guess, big law firm politics, right? Um, climbing that corporate ladder, trying to climb that ladder to become partner. It would have taken a while.

Kelly Bagla (04:44):

So I decided, okay, I'm going to go to a smaller firm. It was a intellectual property firm. They needed someone to build out their corporate department. So I went on board as the corporate attorney. Within six months, I was promoted to senior corporate attorney. And at that firm, I learned how not to do things, which is extremely important as to learning how to do things. So I decided after working for the partner there, this wasn't going to be for me, I thought if I can go out to make money for him, why can't I do that for myself? So it's been about 11 years now. I decided 11 years ago, I opened my law firm and it has been an incredible journey. I've loved every moment of it. And I'm just excited about what the law can do going forward.

Robert Hanna (05:41):

Yeah. And I must say we will talk a lot more about that a little later on, cause you've done so much with your firm and just going back a little bit, there you do hold, you know, multiple degrees, memberships, you know, accreditation's, which is super, super impressive. You know, do you want to maybe give a bit of a shout out to some of our listeners around those and, and how you found your experience acquiring all of those kinds of accreditation because it is highly impressive.

Kelly Bagla (06:06):

Well, thank you. Thank you very much. I'm really sort of the, um, the protege, if you will, of education from both sides of the world, right? Apparently there, Robert, you might know this, but the English education is held to quite a high esteem around the world and comparing it to the US if you will, the US is it's got its own challenges, you know, so it's wonderful to sort of experience best of both worlds. When I went out on my own, I decided, well, I have to create a presence somewhere. And where would I like that to be? And obviously I picked the city in San Diego and I did join the local chamber of commerce. I think it's very important for someone that's going out on their own. Doesn't matter, really what type of business you want to open. I think it's a networking is huge.

Kelly Bagla (06:58):

It is over here in the States. And obviously I'm assuming it is over there in Europe, too, cause it's really, you know, who, who you know and how to sort of get there. But, um, besides my law degree, which we obviously have to keep up, uh, every year here in the US, we do have to take our continuing legal education classes. I decided to add to that credential to become a real estate broker. Now in the US agents, real estate agents are allowed to sell, help someone buy and sell a home. In England I believe it's solicitors and I'm not sure whether they expanded that now, but at the time I had some clients that I was helping with real estate and they created a very confident, very confident relationship with me. And they thought, well, Kelly, can you help us buy and sell real estate?

Kelly Bagla (07:52):

It wasn't my forte, Robert and I, and I thought, well, why not? Right? Why not? So instead of doing the agent route, I went directly to the broker route and now I'm actually able to help my clients directly sell and buy real estate. I don't do that for just sort of anyone it's just really a particular, an added bonus to my clients that I, that I provide. And then over the time I decided that, uh, as clients were coming to me, this is completely separate from the real estate world, which is actually booming. And it's pretty hot here in the US at the moment, besides that clients were coming to me with the same sort of issues and problems starting the business, how do you do that? Either they went to other websites or other online companies to help them start a business, or, uh, they Googled everybody Googles, right?

Kelly Bagla (08:48):

But obviously everybody knows that anything you find on Google, isn't always a hundred percent. I know it's shocking. It might be shocking to your audience, but it's not a hundred percent. So at that time I decided, well, you know, we can need to set the record straight and how do I do that? So I wrote a book, right? I guess that's the only way to set the record straight because to buy the book and I did call it, Go Legal Yourself. I mentioned, I heard you mentioned that I am also the CEO of Go Legal Yourself. And that's when I said, okay, you know, every business owner, that wants to own a business that is in a business that wants to grow their business. And even if somebody wants to sell their business the right way, how do they do that? So Go Legal Yourself, talks about the four phases of a business legal life cycle and what you need to do legally at each phase.

Kelly Bagla (09:42):

And so I thought, okay, but I'm giving them the information. Now I have to give them the tools. And that's when was born. And since I've introduced that business to the public, I have been interviewed Robert, by prestigious magazines. And again, it's based on the innovation that I'm bringing to legal. Legal has been around for thousands of years believe it or not. It really hasn't changed much as far as access, reasonable, affordable, direct access to attorneys. And so I decided to give these particular people that are looking to start their business or grow their business the right way, the tools to do that. And it hasn't been a lot of fun,

Robert Hanna (10:27):

Have a lot of fun and you've achieved so much with that. So, um, and we'll talk about that again in a little bit more detailed cause how you've actually tried to take that from an idea and execute it. And the following you've built and then how much you're helping people is truly, truly fantastic. But I want to talk a little bit more about, you mentioned you spent time with Baker McKenzie, where you're based in, uh, you know, San Diego, you know, just tell us a little bit more about your experiences there, because obviously you then have gone on to set up your own firm, but just a little bit more about how you found your time there

Kelly Bagla (10:58):

Truly, and this is a piece of advice for anyone that wants to become an attorney, right? I would highly highly suggest that you at least start to do maybe a summer intern or somehow get your foot in the door to work with some of the largest law firms that are out there. Because the experience you gained there is invaluable that you can't put a price on that. You compare it to someone that's just passed the bar. And now they're out on their own. Here in the States, they're allowed to put their shingle out and say, okay, I've just passed the bar and here I am, I'm practicing now. And they're allowed to do that, but they do not teach you in law school. Again, this might be a shocker, right? They do not teach you in law school or while you're taking the bar exam, how to communicate with clients, how to assess the different issues that the client may be showing you, or maybe communicating to you, but yet they don't know what the issues are.

Kelly Bagla (11:57):

And that's where that real experience comes in is when you start to deal with these real life issues that clients bring to you. And this is what we did at the big law firms, and really got to understand, you know, the ins and outs of a contract. For example, what makes a contract, a solid contract? How do you prevent loop holes where people can later on say, well, based on this, you know, I get to walk away from the contract or the deal. I really learned how to practice the securities aspect of law. That's basically Robert, when a company is looking for funding, you know, it could be private funding and they're looking for funding in exchange for equity in the business. How do you do that? In America? We have a separate arm of the government called the securities and exchange commission the SEC.

Kelly Bagla (12:49):

And they are the ones that oversee that type of exchange when it comes to securities. And so I really learned how to do that as well. And I kind of pride myself Uh, I, even though I'm in solo practice right now, and that's by design as well, there isn't another solo practitioner that can put a securities document together, they're all, you're going to find them all at the big law firms. And clearly you pay, you know, the big law firm pricing, rightfully so, but, uh, I, I really walked away from Baker and McKenzie knowing the law, looking for issues, explaining to clients what potential issues could occur as well. And just the hands on experience at the time, right? You're, you're a brand new associate. And so they given you these documents and just throwing documents at you, or sometimes you spent a week down in the records department, just sifting through contract after contract, after contract, at the time you don't know what you were looking for. And then it all sort of comes together. And that experience, truly there's nothing like it. So anyone out there that wants to go to law school become a lawyer, start their own firm at some point, definitely get your experience with one of the bigger firms.

Robert Hanna (14:08):

We should talk about that then your, you know, from there you've moved on, you've done fantastically well, and you, you have set up Bagla Law, which is doing amazingly well. What advice would you give to other lawyers who are thinking of maybe setting up their own law firm and just tell us a little bit more about your law firm as well.

Kelly Bagla (14:24):

Right? The other thing Robert, that they don't teach you in law school is how to become a business owner. That was something that I literally had to learn on my own that you can read, you know, all these books, but nothing really prepares you for the real life experience when you do become a business owner. So now not only did I, I, I know my skill very well, and I can provide legal services to clients and potential clients. A law firm is a business itself. So how do you run a business? So if someone is considering going out on their own, make sure that you have at least the software that that's huge, right? Have the software that's going to support your business, your practice, uh, definitely look into different types of software that cater to legal and attorney. So that that'd be number one.

Kelly Bagla (15:19):

Number two is make sure that you yourself incorporate as a firm, do not go into this business as yourself, because the first person that a client is going to Sue is the attorney. So make sure that you are protected from that aspect, set up your law firm as a corporation. And then number three, which is one of the biggest ones is the marketing aspect. And you and I am sure we could talk about the marketing of any business. You know, for 24 hours, nonstop marketing is really huge. You cannot stop marketing for one moment. You want to make sure that you develop a place, find out where you want to practice, right? That would be the number one thing to really focus on. Where do you want to practice? And what types of clients do you want to practice? Initially, you'll probably be going to say yes to everyone that knocks on your door, and then I guess you'll figure it out, but don't sort of lower your fees just because you feel like you need to take in a client. And if you stay consistent throughout, then clients will tell other people and say, this is a fantastic attorney. She's always consistent. She always answers the phone. Yes. Make sure you answer your phone, but, um, you know, be, be available, be available to that client, take whatever you learned from the big firm and be available. Don't always take, take on the client. Definitely give more. If you can, then, then you take and you pretty much got a client for life. I still have clients from 11 years ago, Robert and it's, it's, it's been wonderful

Robert Hanna (16:56):

And that's such great advice. And I echo all of the points that you mentioned there, particularly on the marketing aspect. It's so, so, so important. And as you're sort of very well-known and commonly known as the queen of business law, you mentioned earlier that you're very familiar with the big stage you've been invited to speak. You've won countless awards. Um, I believe you've won powerful woman entrepreneur awards at the dreams, inspiration award business woman of the year for the San Diego business journal. And most recently the 20 most successful business woman to watch 2020 by the inside success magazines. So how do you do it?

Kelly Bagla (17:35):

Oh, and then I have to sleep too, right? In between all of that. I'm really humbled. Right? First and foremost, I'm very humbled to have received those awards and be nominated for those awards. And it really takes hard work, owning your own business. And actually standing out is two different things. Anyone can run their own business, but how are people going to find you? Do you want to make a difference right in your industry? Do you want to leave a legacy behind it? It starts with having passion for what you do. And once I went out on my own, that's when I really realized that I can actually make a difference. I can help entrepreneurs. I can show them the right way and the wrong way I can help them grow that business the right way. And just watching clients grow as well. It's like a mama bird dry.

Kelly Bagla (18:32):

And, uh, you're watching your little birds sort of, uh, get their bearings and understand what's going on. Yeah. And eventually they have to leave the nest and that's what the clients do, but that you, you really sort of sit back in pride and say, wow, I helped create that, those awards that I've received again, it's for being just myself, being accessible to clients, being able to help them. That's the huge thing. You know, anyone can give advice, but come that advice actually help the client as to what they're looking for. And then always be, you know, consistently top of mind with them too, which now can stain, how are things going once a month, I send out a newsletter to my clients and actually, you know, anyone can subscribe to it. They can just go to my law firm, Baglier law and subscribe fair, or they can go to go legal yourself and subscribe.

Kelly Bagla (19:24):

There. There's some great information that I provide. And again, you know, I always get comments back from, from people that read my articles and they're fairly short because people, we don't have time nowadays to sit there and read, right? So these articles are very short and very informative, but I think it's highlighting Robert that the fact that entrepreneurial ship it's for everyone, it's not only for select few now it's really become quite accessible. And the opportunities, once you become your own boss, right? You'll give enough a guaranteed paycheck. I had a fantastic paycheck to say the least at the big law firm, but what kind of life do you want to live? I was putting in 15, 16 hours a day, but yet I was loving it because I was learning. I don't want to do that for the rest of my life. You know, I have a fantastic husband that I love dearly.

Kelly Bagla (20:19):

I want to spend my life, my time with him and, and we have four fantastic dogs and yes, I'm a dog person. I would do anything for them. And you know, it depends on what type of life do you want to live as well as, as an individual. And I've been very blessed, very blessed that the path that I talk, you know, getting the experience, opening my own firm, innovating legal. So it's accessible for all. I'm just so proud of it all. Um, I don't think if I had to go back and say, if I had to do it all over again, I think I would do it exactly the same way because I've learned lessons, valuable lessons along the way that have allowed me to be where I am today. Hope I answered your question

Robert Hanna (21:05):

More so more than I could have hoped. I think that was an exceptional answer. So thanks for sharing that. And we've, we've touched on, as I mentioned, introduction, and you've kind of touched on a few times as well, you know, go legal yourself, which is just amazing. Um, and you've kind of briefly touched on sort of how it all works, but just tell us a little bit more and how people can kind of, you know, what benefits they can get from that and how they can kind of practically, you know, get involved.

Kelly Bagla (21:30):

So having the States, you know, there's, you've got currently, there are two options. So you've got the, the traditional option where if someone wants to start a business or they want to grow their business, they go to a loafer and one, they have to research and loafer a good business loafer, and two, they have to go make the appointment and meet with the attorney. And then once you do get on board with an attorney, it's not really that senior attorney, that's doing your work. It's usually the associates. And then the med associate has been finally, the, the partner will look through the documentation. So there's a process and that's, this is exactly what we did at the big law firm too. So there's a process there. And then the second option that's available is an online company. So you can search, you know, incorporating online or forming a business online.

Kelly Bagla (22:22):

And you're going to get a plethora of companies that pop up and say, we can help you with that. The problem there. And this is exactly why go beagle yourself was born. The problem that Robert is that they are not law firms and attorneys. So they cannot give you advice. You as an individual have to spend countless hours. I'm sure, you know, we all have limited hours, but you have to spend countless hours that you don't have researching. What's going to be the best entity for you. Are you going to be a limited liability company? Are you going to be a corporation? And if you are, what type of corporation, and then on top of that, what kind of contracts do you need to protect yourself when you're doing business with clients? So those are the two options for people that want to start a business.

Kelly Bagla (23:09):

I've actually created like the third and the better option of all. And I've taken out the guesswork. Robert I've taken out the uncertainty, if you will. And that comes back to people may have, am I doing this right? Is this the right entity for me? Is this the right contract I need? And so I actually created packages for them. It is really straightforward. If you want to start your business, here's the startup essentials package and is everything that you're going to need from a legal perspective to start your business. Then any, somebody wants us to grow that business. One of the legal documents they need there, maybe the one who grow their board of directors, right? Maybe the adding some more board of directors, because the algebra, maybe the need to hire employees at this time, what employment contracts do you need? And I've created a growth essentials package for them too. So literally I have made it so easy for someone that they could start their business tomorrow.

Robert Hanna (24:07):

And I just love that. And I think, you know, there's the added, like you say, there's the insurance there that they know, it's not this off the shelf thing. That's not accredited as all those years of experience, the mechanism is there. So I highly, highly recommend go league yourself and people should check it out. And from that, a little birdie tells me you're also the inventor of, uh, it durables. If I'm pronouncing that correctly, say tell us more about lax. That sounds fun and wacky.

Kelly Bagla (24:36):

That was so much fun. So as an attorney, this is the funniest thing I have to be. I have to keep sort of doing something like, because I get bored really quickly. And this is probably going on about, Oh, I'm going to say about seven years ago, I was at a gift show in LA and I was walking up and down the aisles with a friend, checking out some of their gift ideas and products that they had. And I went down this aisle where there were just these plush toys and I'm thinking, wow, these are pretty ugly looking toys to be very blunt, right? Who would want to buy any of these? So the idea occurred to me at that point, I thought, well, why, why can't I create a plush toy, but just creating a plush toy, wasn't going to do it right. You, you have to actually have it be useful.

Kelly Bagla (25:26):

And so you filed for a patent. It's a utility patent on a durable, it's where it's a toy plush toy that the is, are oversize and they open up into pockets. So now, if a kid wants to play with all his or her little trinket and the one to take them to grandma's or their friends, they can put them all in the ear, doorbells ears and take the ear doorbells and believe them wherever they go. And it took me. So when I say Robert stepping back for a second, when I say that I understand entrepreneurs, I understand business owners it's because I am one. I went exactly down that road. I've experienced that pains, right? And this is what I was experienced when I was trying to find someone to license the IP from me. There obviously there's two ways that you can take your product to market one.

Kelly Bagla (26:19):

If you manufacture it yourself, or you can license the IP. So I decided to do the licensing part, and it was probably about three years ago. Now I was on a show. It was called the toy box. It's it was for it's an equivalent of the shark tank. Right. But this is for totally inventors. And I was actually went through the process was on TV. It was fun. There were three winners. One was the judges pick. The judges were little children. It was really big, cute. The second one was the host's pet. And then the third one was, um, toys R us and Mattel's pick. And they picked me. And so I ended up doing a licensing agreement with Mattel. It's one of the largest toy makers here in the state. And I guess know adorable, sold pretty well in Canada, believe it or not.

Kelly Bagla (27:13):

And, um, at some point, you know, Mattel was doing the whole video organization and toys R us, what have you, I guess they were filing for bankruptcy. And so at that point, it lasted for awhile. At that point, I decided, okay, well, you know, I can take the, uh, the I P back. And so I'm, I'm in negotiations with someone else to license the IP to them. And it was, uh, it was fun, but just trying to, you know, go down that road, that I had no idea of the toy industry. Robert it's really cutthroat. You have to be on your toes when you're dealing with anyone from that industry, but it was a lot of fun. Yeah.

Robert Hanna (27:55):

Yeah. And it sounds like a hell of a lot of fun. And you've talked about it there in terms of you Pete pitch it on TV and shows cause you are no stranger to the media. You're a highly recognized public speaker. You've featured, I believe, sort of NBC ABC, the terror graph to name a few, you regularly feature on the lights or sort of Fox five and live the American dream TV show. So tell our listeners what sort of things you tend to get invited on to talk about those, those shows. I think it could be anything from sort of like COVID liability waivers, but yeah. Tell our listeners a bit, a bit more about that.

Kelly Bagla (28:28):

Exactly. I would start off with anyone that's trying to promote entrepreneurial ship again. That's huge, huge in America, 90% of businesses in America are small businesses, Robert they're mom and pop shops, right. That they're the people that put a business together and they've owned it for 20, 30 years or so. And you know, I have such tremendous respect for them because they go through this day, day out. And, uh, th the show was that invite me as a guest. Yes, they have to do with entrepreneurial ship. How do you get started? If you want to start your own business, what are the top three that you need to do? They'll ask me about if somebody wants to sell their business, what's the best way to do that? Or they'll ask me about if somebody would like to expand their business, they want to go overseas, or they want to go into different States.

Kelly Bagla (29:24):

What are the top three that they have to sort of consider in that respect? And then the latest one, actually, because I guess we are recording during the COVID time. It is a global pandemic. It's, it's pretty heartbreaking, uh, for some families. And when businesses in America, when they are shut down, it's disastrous for the American economy and pretty much worldwide too, because America is such a huge, um, you know, sort of financial hub, if you will. And at the time, I don't think anybody was talking about it, but I said, it's, it's important to bring up to the public though, businesses that would slowly the opening one way for them to sort of protect themselves from COVID related lawsuits. Because again, America is a Sue happy country. Anyone can Sue at any time. And it's really up to the business owner to protect themselves when it comes to that type of liability.

Kelly Bagla (30:22):

So I introduced a COVID-19 liability way before this actually exact topic is being discussed at the federal level. I think they're going to include it as a safe Harbor. That's the word as a safe Harbor. So if somebody does get sued, so they go to a business and they say, they, they attract a COVID from that business. Well, the business would be shielded from that liability from a lawsuit because of either the COVID 19 liar waiver or the safe Harbor that the federal government is creating right now. So it was a very important topic. At least it gives hope for businesses to start to reopen at some point.

Robert Hanna (31:07):

Yeah. Long, long may that continue. And as we just looked to, to wrap up Kelly, um, you referenced previously, but you have authored many books, go legal yourself, go on your own, go own yourself, I believe, which are available to buy on Amazon and through to the lights of doing business in the United States. So what sparked your passion for writing book?

Kelly Bagla (31:31):

Robert go own yourself. That was to set the record straight. You know, I've been practicing now for 17 years old.

Robert Hanna (31:37):

Oh my goodness.

Kelly Bagla (31:41):

Oh, wow. Wow. Yes. But 17 years I've been practicing. I just have to set the record straight. There's so much misinformation out there a little bit. So I said, okay, well, this is, this is how I'm going to help people. So go, go legal yourself was the very first book. The second book was, go on yourself. And that one was because of the success stories that I've, I've seen with clients over and over again. So I interviewed some of my successful clients and I said, well, what do you do? You know, how do you, how do you keep yourself going every day? And mind you, they have been failures, not owning your own business. Isn't always a walk in the park by far, there's going to be some failures, but how do you overcome those? How do you, how do you learn from them and keep moving on?

Kelly Bagla (32:24):

And so go own yourself. You can literally unleash your greatness that you have, so you can own you own part of the world, right? And then I'm doing business in the United States, that's for clients or for potential clients that are foreign based individuals or companies that want to actually do business in the United States. So that's a handbook for them. It's a little ebook. They can directly actually get a copy, a free copy of that. Robert from my web site, bagla and then I'm actually working on, so a December, December, middle of December, my, uh, second edition to go legal yourself will be out very, very proud of that one. I'm working with one of the largest publishers here in the U S called Wiley and sons. And then I'm also thinking about the fifth book that's in the works right now. And it's really going to be just legal tip, you know, legal information for entrepreneurs. And this information business owners paid thousands of dollars for, and I'm going to be putting it all into a straightforward book for, uh, for entrepreneurs so they can start their venture off on the right legal foot.

Robert Hanna (33:44):

Brilliant. Well, I I've loved learning all about that and hearing what about that? And I look forward to those and I'm sure you would have inspired a lot of our listeners today. So if people do want to follow, you, get in touch about anything we've discussed, what's the best way platform for them to do that. Feel free to shout out any web links or relevant social media channels.

Kelly Bagla (34:04):

Yes, absolutely. Email is always fantastic. You can email me directly. It is or you can email me on And my social handles. I'd love for you to follow me on Kelly Bagla, which is my Instagram. And then at go legal yourself six, the number six, and that would be the other Instagram handle. And then obviously I am on LinkedIn as well for anyone that would like to reach out and say, hello. And I heard you are on legally speaking podcast, and I'll be more than happy to, to chat with them.

Robert Hanna (34:46):

Brilliant. Well, thanks. An absolute million Kelly. It's been a real pleasure having you on learning about your journey, truly inspiring, wishing you lots of continued success, uh, with Baglow law. Go legal yourself and all your future pursuits, but for now over and out.

Kelly Bagla (35:03):

Thank you so much, Rebecca.

Robert Hanna (35:05):

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