Upside Down Podcast

Episode 54: Hope as Resistance: Stuff That Needs to Be Said with John Pavlovitz

May 14, 2019 Kayla Craig, Lindsy Wallace, Alissa Molina, Gina Ciliberto Season 3 Episode 54

Hope is still possible, even when the pain of the world feels like too much. What if kindness, empathy, and compassion are the way forward? Join host Kayla Craig and co-hosts Lindsy Wallace, Alissa Molina, and Gina Ciliberto with special guest John Pavlovitz. John is a writer, pastor, and activist. 

In the past five years, John's blog Stuff That Needs To Be Said has reached a diverse worldwide audience of millions of people. In 2017 he released his first book, A Bigger Table. His second book, Hope and Other Superpowers, arrived in November of 2018.

In this episode, we:

  • Unpack what “hope” and “resistance” means and how we live them in today’s world
  • Explore the role that community plays in hope
  • Ask how we move beyond soundbites into embodied hope
  • Reconcile the temptations of apathy against savorism 
  • Identify steps each of us can take right now to be the kind of person the world needs

Join us as we explore hope as resistance, pulling those threads to see how it looks like in our actual lives. May we be galvanized, encouraged, and compelled by this conversation on pressing into pain and choosing a way of hope, even when the world feels pretty hopeless.

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