For the Love of Jewelers: A Jewelry Journey Podcast Presented by Rio Grande
For the Love of Jewelers, a Rio Grande podcast, delves into the multifaceted world of jewelry making. Through candid interviews with leaders and influencers in the field, we uncover the journeys, inspirations and challenges that shape their work.
Whether you're a seasoned jeweler seeking fresh perspectives or an aspiring artisan looking for guidance, join us as we explore the intersection of artistry and business in the jewelry industry.
Have questions or topics you'd like us to cover? We'd love to hear from you!
Reach out to us at podcast@riogrande.com and be a part of the conversation.
For the Love of Jewelers: A Jewelry Journey Podcast Presented by Rio Grande
S2-08: Holly Gage, Shaping Dialogue by Casting Imperfections
Award-winning jeweler and certified metal clay instructor Holly Gage of Gage Designs is an active conference speaker and respected author on jewelry technique. While her creative journey began at a young age, it wasn’t until mid-adulthood that Holly learned more about her dyslexia and how art helped her to find her voice and speak clearly. “[M]y creativity, visual, […] spatial strengths and problem-solving skills […] are the positive attributes; the flip side of dyslexia,” she says. Always facing life’s challenges head-on, a recent family trauma has channeled Holly’s designs in a new, brave and healing direction. In this intimate For the Love of Jewelers podcast episode, Holly shares her story of self-reflection and how she has learned to love herself, imperfections and all.