Down The Alley

Episode 120- Lindenwood Captain Brian Kallberg

November 17, 2023 36 Lacrosse Studios
Episode 120- Lindenwood Captain Brian Kallberg
Down The Alley
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Down The Alley
Episode 120- Lindenwood Captain Brian Kallberg
Nov 17, 2023
36 Lacrosse Studios

Tune in to listen to 2 time State Champion, now captain at Lindenwood University Brian Kallberg talk about his career, fall ball, recruiting, and much much more!

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Tune in to listen to 2 time State Champion, now captain at Lindenwood University Brian Kallberg talk about his career, fall ball, recruiting, and much much more!

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Speaker 1:

All right, welcome to Down the Alley. This is P-Mac solo interview. I know offseason fall ball, you never know who you're going to get here, but this week we're jumping right into an interview. I believe this is the second time on the podcast. Brian Calberg, current captain of the Lennon Wood Lions, two times state champion for the Lakers, had various awards, including all state, all section. All that good stuff, brian, welcome to Down the Alley.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, P-Mac. It's good to be back. I think it's been gosh. It's been nice seeing your bicycle so almost six years now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think you were one of the first people. I was like hey, you want to come on down the alley? I'm trying to start up this podcast, I think. Yeah, you were probably one of the first. I don't know. Five interviews, do you know?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think so. I think it was either before or after a winter training session, I believe so it might have been my freshman year at college. But I think it was, after the old facility, a winter training session.

Speaker 1:

Right on, right on. Yeah, no, lots happened since then and we can throw it back, kind of give yourself, kind of leave it up to you to kind of give yourself a little intro. Here we introduced, you know, we've gotten a bunch of new listeners, different listeners. You know who's? You know I gave you a quick intro, but who's Brian Calberg? Where do you? Where do you up to these days?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, as you said, brian Calberg probably grad started playing the cross in third grade Because my little appearance, lisa and Laura I was so tired of watching me and Matthew playing the sand and baseball and picked up from there with the amazing parent coaches that prior likes had with wiener and Scott Play-Doh and some others that I'm probably forgetting. I went to high school at prior like, played a year of JV and swing line and then played varsity the next three. Recruiting I mean, as I think a lot of us know, recruiting in Minnesota is not always the easiest, especially when you get the stereotype of being a Midwest, the cross player, nothing flashy, more, just hardworking, being an athlete. Obviously, sophomore year or junior senior year won the state championship and to go along with that, I found my home at Linnewa University right around my junior year summer before going into my senior year. And that's that's me at prior like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what was you know? To touch on prior, like you know, what was you know, maybe maybe your favorite game, you know? Is there one game or you know maybe a couple of different moments that you know stand out above the rest?

Speaker 2:

I think one of them would probably have to be junior year playing Minnetaka in the state semi finals and just absolute barn burner, where we actually had some flash in Minnesota high school game with the guys going BTB and having some toe drags and low to highs and just kind of just felt like again never was going to end and you never knew who was going to win. It was going down to the last seconds. Obviously you can't forget state championships thrown in the helmets in the air. It's a hard feeling to forget and it's hard feeling to capture. That's why it's so such a good, such a good thing. Those are probably the big ones.

Speaker 2:

I think part of what makes it special, especially for me, was playing hockey as well and some of those guys crossover getting to do it. I play high school hockey and high school across with some of them, so you get to kind of show a connection on the ice and on the field built in. But I mean it goes down. All those fun memories that you have just getting up early for practice, late practice in the day, staying late, doing extra work, having fun together is probably the best things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're starting to talk on recruiting and kind of getting to that point in the timeline. You know Lindenwood, you know we'll have to dive into it, but you know when you went there you know kind of it more. You know it was a D2 school. You got recruits, a D2 athlete you know I know you're talking to D1s as well. You know talk about, you know kind of originally going the D2 route and then you know, as time progressed, you know what's been the transition for. You know Linwood, going from D2 to D1?.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think just the whole D2 thing. You know, like I think a lot of people say it everyone grows up, they're like I'm gonna go point an NHL, I'm gonna go point an AFL, I'm gonna go to sick division, one school, and then you get to high school and you're like, Well, I mean let's drop the standards down a little bit, and then it goes down another peg and then another peg and let's see that guy from day one. But I.

Speaker 2:

Had no, the D2 route. I didn't really have a problem with going D2, whether it gets the respect it deserves or not. Linda would, yeah, it was a great option for me. It was a powerhouse. At D2 it's consistently a top 10, top 12 program and I mean, of course I think a lot of people in the cross community know, especially the college across community, you know, that Linda would just that was great. It was a great school and has a ton of nice facilities. That athletes Attracts good athletes, you know.

Speaker 2:

I think one facilities like you know, for years they, they, their facilities are.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how much that had to do with you know your decision, but it definitely wasn't a negative. You know when you're when you're comparing a couple of schools.

Speaker 2:

Right, especially, you know now they got the big, like Massive scoreboard up there, 80 foot, 120 foot scoreboard up there in the hill To go along with the Spellman Center. It looks awesome, it's so massive. Yeah, I mean Big ass recruiting. You know the locker room, you get the wind stalls, a lot of D2 schools, especially how it's still got the metal stalls, the concrete floors. You know when it was blessed you got, you got the carpet, you got the couches, you get the wind stalls to yourself, which is nice, that just a nice treat as well.

Speaker 2:

You know we're initially wasn't too much of my radar. I was looking around for schools. I didn't know exactly what I was looking for at the time. But once I you know Carter Collins another prior like a long went there and I reached out to him and asked him how he liked and how he's really study, loved it and kind of talking to them. It didn't know if we were.

Speaker 2:

I was really on their radar to start. But I think after just going to some Prospect days and going just a little recruiting events I could see C showcases and other stuff like that Really got in the radar, had some talks and now it's the more the summer and once I got on campus is, you know it's kind of over from there. You see the facilities and you see the see the campus and you see the academics and centers and where you're doing only class every day and everything's so nice and that's just a big aspect of you know you're gonna spend the majority of your day there. You might as well be proud of what, what you're doing where you're doing it. So that was a big part for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, go in there. Um, you know you get on campus. Um, you know I that I knew this. I, I guess I didn't realize or remember that it was your freshman year. Um, you know you get a few games in and then obviously the season gets shut down. Um, you know what was that transition like? Was it a smooth transition? Um, you know, was how was the learning curve right, you know, from, from making that jump from Minnesota high school to? You know, uh, top, I don't know tennis right for sure. Um, you know d2 program.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean first thing, especially for all athletes. You know, like a lot of times you'll hear in high school like, oh, you got to balance social life, being an athlete and and being a student as well. And it's really true, like once, if you're being too social, you're gonna lack in your athletics and your student life, and if you were to focus on athletes and students, your social life is negatively impacted, which isn't a bad thing. But you know, obviously your student athletes you got to make sure you're doing those two things first. Um, uh, I'm gonna say it again, what was it you're asking?

Speaker 1:

Oh, uh, you know, yeah, learning curve, um, you know of that kind of that first year, right and and and add to it, right, um, you know the season gets shut down after you know a few games.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, learning curves uh, definitely different. You know, I've I've being in my fifth year now. You see it every year with freshman. Like some are accepting like hey, I'm gonna show up to every day and work my ass off, and some are gonna show up and be like I was the best player in my high school, why aren't the best player now? And Some of those guys can't figure it out.

Speaker 2:

And I think what was successful for me is just kind of putting my head down and Talking to the coaching staff pretty often like just say where do you see me at in the roster, what do you need to prove on? And trying to work on those things to improve. Because if you don't like Athletes ask those questions but don't actually improve on them. So, um, that was big for me is, you know, just keep my head down. We were pretty stacked roster from the year before with depots, a lot of guys, and you know you just got to learn from other people's mistakes. I think a big thing for me also was learning from people's mistakes that are Doing this, not not making the same mistake other people are making. You know, I'm watching older guys and raps make mistakes and I go out there and make the same mistake, what am I providing to the coaching staff or the team that's going to put me in a spot out ahead of those guys? So I think really making sure that you're not making the same mistakes over and not and making sure you're not making the same Mistakes as everyone else is pretty crucial for that transition. Obviously, you know Part of it too is, you'll hear, is everyone there? It was the best of their high school. You're the same story, most likely the same story as everyone else and that's fine. You just got to make sure you're the harder worker if you want that starting spot.

Speaker 2:

The co-wood year was tough. I mean, we played five games, we were five and oh, we were lighting it up Like almost, I think, 20 goals a game, almost 18 goals a game, played a couple lower ranked teams, which helps for that. We'll also play some better competition too, where we're getting 16 17 goals. Um, it was kind of funny. We played a Sunday game At home or at Mary will maybe, and we got done with that and the team before next thing we're going to play was a young Harris next week and they had their season canceled because of some issues and Coach's laying. Then I said we could go home for a couple days for spring break. You can go home Monday or go home today, and we'll see you back on Thursday or Friday. Well, we never ended up going back. We just like see what happened that week. Season was over, didn't go back, then about five months break until he got back to school. From there on out, Crazy, crazy times.

Speaker 1:

And then you come back, you know sophomore year, you know I'm sure things were weird, but I see, sophomore year You're named captain. You know I, I guess I would just assume that probably doesn't happen Too often, just in general. You know, at linen wood and and beyond, right like you know I guess, how did that happen? You know maybe what was that conversation like and you know how did that transition from you know as a young player, just kind of only having four or five games on your belt, to you know, becoming a captain? What, at what point in the season did that happen?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we turn it in. Captain said that I know every fall. So for me, you know obviously had those years at higher, like we're prior, like it was always big about facing adversity, learning from you know it's only a loss if you don't learn from it, and stuff like that. And so, obviously, going into the next Ball, everyone's like well, you never know when this thing's gonna take away from us again. I mean, there's another form of COVID-19 or whatever, and I think I just took that, took it like that, like hey, like that's that's really you know how, about these guys that got the COVID year, luckily and hopefully tell you're out and make sure we're working our ass off.

Speaker 2:

But I think the biggest thing for me is I'm always vocal, I'm a yell or I'm loud and I don't know For our team, but I think we just needed that. We need someone who was me loud and a more show, more accountability, and not Let you slack off because because of certain reasons, because you think it's safe or something. So I think it was that. Yeah, I don't think we've had had other sophomore captioner, but I'm grateful that I was got to be one.

Speaker 2:

I think, just you know, the biggest thing about that was just having guys who are older than me. Still respect me for it, because obviously you know Software gets a role like that. Sometimes upperclassmen are gonna look at you and be like, why, why wasn't on me? You know it's a little bit of a different role compared to a senior captain. You know You've been through everything with this team. If you ask someone to do something, they're gonna. They're not gonna look at you and be like no, like you haven't gone through this too. So, yeah, I think I really earned it, because we had other captains who were good captains, but not they were more leaders by examples or quieter guys that didn't provide the same vocal mist either.

Speaker 1:

And then, what year was it your sophomore or junior year that you guys, one of your guys's conference, got the rings? What year was it we were, you guys, ring chasing Junior year, junior year, okay, so that's 2022. So, yeah, perfect, you earned it 2022, you know what was. You know big year? Obviously you know what was. What was that like?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we just got off of loss. You know we played you and you in this conference championship the year before. We thought that we had their number. That was our third time playing them because it was conference. Only that year, because of COVID In 20 in 2021, thought we had their number. Unfortunate, just had a loss and Obviously determined. You know they're celebrating taking the conference chance photo on our field because we had home field advantage. You see that. You see the seniors last game. You see how it makes those things and it just Grants your gears and it ranges you and if it doesn't, you know you're not, you're playing for the wrong reasons.

Speaker 2:

Coming to the year Little bit, yeah, well, not much. Of a younger group, a different group. You know transfer portal comes in. We're getting a bunch of transfers now. The guys that played D1 that wanted, wanted to have starting roles that might have been a nice good schools that, but didn't get as much playing Time as they wanted. Some to D2 guys as well.

Speaker 2:

Coming to the year ready to go. You know fall of all goes great and you know it was just a great year. I think we 12 and 4 maybe. I think it was a record and you know most majority of the year we rolled. You know we're ready to go.

Speaker 2:

We played tough competition early we played for a trip with Florida Southern and Tampa. You know two really good teams, especially in that heat early in the year. Yeah, it was human games. You know you're not used to that and I know we lost that Tampa game. But you know you learn a lot from games like that where you get to play the Rating national champion and teams that are really really skilled that you don't get to play out all the time because they're out of conference and you know the year comes around was. You know we played in the couple times we beat them, once at home, once at home. We're ready to see them again at. We were playing at Indy because they had home field advantage. Great game both ways and we end up on top. And you know we got our national tournament birth. Finally. They were looking for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that was a huge right getting over the hump. You know I had buddies going, you know more my age that went to Linwood. That are, you know, linwood alum. You know a lot of classes got close. But you know, finally over the hump you guys went on to the national tournament then right after that, yeah, what was what was that experience like?

Speaker 2:

You know, thankfully, you know, if our strength of schedule and our record and how they Weight everything at D2 we are actually able to host a host of a national tournament game because it was the first round. We were the three seed in the south out of six. So we played wing gate the six seed and played my home Didn't go our way but it was an awesome experience. You know, it's just a completely different animal sack. By far my is the strongest conference at D2 with limestone when our ride wing gates Newberry Just a sick conference and they just brought had another level than us that we hadn't hadn't played against. So they had her number that day and Unfortunately down. But you know it's awesome experience to get to play and a national tournament of any kind.

Speaker 1:

And you know after, after that season, you know and I'm sure there's a lot of hype around the program. You know a lot of chatter obviously. You know inside and out, I'm sure you know making that transition to D1, you know big step for the program, a lot of, I'm sure, big adjustments. I'm interested to hear you know kind of inside the lines and inside the program and maybe as even as a school you know what some of those changes were. You know going from D2 to D1, you know obviously there's, you know, different hours and different times of the year that you kind of can't, you know, do work. But you know what other noticeable you know changes was there. You know For the program and for the school from going to D2 to D1.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it was tough, especially for us spring sports you know, we found out during our season that we were going to do one. So it was middle of our season. We're hearing all these rumors, you know coach Lang's shooting them down and shooting them down because nothing's official. And then of course official and we're like Well, most of us wanted to play D1 anyway. So here we are now. But some teams of course wanted to share with us already about that when we were playing them at D2, but it's like it was out of our control. Our football team had an opportunity to join a division one conference and they got to and school decided to make the rest of the sports D1.

Speaker 2:

I think the hardest part for us was me recruiting. We were a little bit behind. All those guys that came committed to play D2, whether they were good enough to play D1 or not, started up for D2. So you know that. You know I think part of it too that put a lot of stress on us was finding a schedule. Most of those guys got schedules planned out for in the spring, for already from the next spring. But you know, I think on campus I think it was already a pretty athletic school, like most mainly athletes. But you know, I think you just see like everyone's a little bit more serious, everything's a little bit more professional. You know people. You see a lot more people on their own doing extra work. You know trying to make sure that they're on top of their game.

Speaker 2:

But you know, the transition was pretty incredible. We already had a couple D1 sports but you see, you go and attend all these other D1 sports now and you see all these other schools that you know are these big time schools, whether they're big 10 or 12 or big 12 or schools that we're playing against, and it's pretty cool to see. I think the crazy thing for us, especially for the cross I think I've told a lot of people is that you know D2, everyone's athletic, everyone deserves to be there and everyone's a good lacrosse player. I think the difference at D1 is everyone's a really good lacrosse player, really athletic and can play offense and defense. I think it was the biggest thing. You know D2, you get a little more positional base players. You're not pushing fast breaks with one or two poles trying to load up the box as fast as possible. I think that's the biggest thing different for D1 lacrosse compared to D2 lacrosse.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, as a school, right, you're not making a D1 switch based on lacrosse, right. That's probably a football, basketball, other sport thing you know, being from the state of hockey, you know I watched the Lindenwood go for game. You know Is that a well-attended game. Are you guys supporting the hockey team? Are you guys going to the football games? You know what are the vibes for the other sports that have gone D1?.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So for the men's hockey, we've been. We've been going to them with decent amount. They just had Augustana this last week and we watched them on Friday night and then they had another game Saturday. Of course, football games are great too. You know we're starting to have that D1 atmosphere. You know, where you're seeing people show up to tailgates and there's got. There's people tailgating and then everyone's going into the game. It's a lot of fun. You know it's different from seeing everyone play these D2 teams that you've never heard of, like some bigger schools, like our football team has played Bryant big lacrosse school. So you know you get to see more big time teams coming to play, which is always nice to see more competition.

Speaker 1:

And then of course, you know you have your. You have your first D1 season. I'm sure you know a lot of. You know a lot of learning lessons. You know. You know playing different teams playing. You know upper echelon teams. You know you guys are in a new league. You know. You know everything. You know what's it like going into this year. You know you now fifth year captain. You know people. Some people use their COVID year, some people don't. You know I'm sure that was a whole decision but you know, going into this year, second year of a D1, you know your last year. You know what's the vibe around. You know the team now. What are the expectations at today? You know, and what's it like for you personally. You know kind of going into your fifth year here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I'll just speak for the team. Like you know a lot of we didn't lose a lot last year from this year based off guys. You know obviously we got that taste last year. We played those. We played Marquette, we played Air Force, we played Utah. We learned, we played Jacksonville. We played some of these ranked teams, right or just below ranked teams and you learn a lot from those games. You know, first, our first ever D1 games against Marquette and we get thralled and you know you learn a lot from that and you learn how to learn really quick.

Speaker 2:

I think the Sears teams, especially on the offense, I'm really stoked for you know we lost one of our top eight or nine offensive guys, which is huge for us. You know we need to return our holes starting attack line and most of our middies. It puts a lot, puts a lot less stress on those freshmen coming in, don't have as big a shoes to fill for the near future and can pick some more developments. You know I think we've talked about a lot, especially our senior leadership that you know this team we want to go 500 this year. We want to go 500, we want to make a conference tournament.

Speaker 2:

No one enjoyed going to doing 10. No one on this team is used to losing that much, whether it was in high school or college. You know it's tough to do and it's not easy to do. You know you got to get up every day and think about see that record and see stuff on Instagram and Twitter now, because you're D1, like a lot more people are talking about it. You know, and you just want to shut those people up. So I think this team's goal is definitely make the conference tournaments. They have some conference tournament and we have a 500 record.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of the conference, are you guys? There's been so much conference movement in some of these conferences. Are you guys still? You guys are still in the ace on IC. Are you guys staying in the ace on long term or? I know there's some movement in the ace and I haven't been able to keep track.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's going down to 16. This year, robert Morris is out and Trent Mercer is out and, as far as I know, we're staying in it. I don't know what the alternatives would be, but it would be interesting to see where they would go.

Speaker 1:

How is the travel? Have you, if you guys, enjoyed it? You guys flying a lot or long buses.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's nice traveling, you know. Obviously you can't really expect to be driving to Colorado or Utah or Jacksonville or Mercer, so it's nice flying. I think we had seven away games last year. I think we flew to five of them, which is always nice. And then we drove to Marquette and drove, or we probably had four flights for seven away games, yeah, which is nice. It's always nice flying with the boys. You know, obviously it's not easy hours, but you get into the locker room early for morning flights and staying in the plane way later than you want to be going to school the next day, but it's a lot better than being on a bus for 15 hours or so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can attest to that. I'm sure the flights are way better than some of the bus trips that I granted through. Ah, cool, what else? What did I miss? Is there any big topics, any big movements? Yeah, what did I miss? What didn't I ask that? Maybe you were expecting.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I just hope that people are ready to watch more games. This year the expectation is higher and I think, with us having a lot of our starters back, even guys who didn't start back the experience alone, I think, is going to make a dramatic difference in a lot of these games. I don't think you're going to see us in many blocks. We had a lot of close games last year that two, three, four go games that we expect to be wins, and I think people are going to start being surprised. Obviously, we have a new deco. I think that's going to help us out a lot. You know nothing against the last one, but I think it just brings a new perspective in and it's going to freshen up our defense.

Speaker 1:

You know with with Lennon Wood, like I mentioned. I know a handful of guys that are alum. Obviously there's guys there that I know. You know how are some of the other Minnesota boys doing? I know there's. There's some young bucks, you know, from throughout the state, any, any primed, you know, ready to take that next step, maybe make some noise this season.

Speaker 2:

Basically you guys for Lennon Wood this year. I gosh, I don't think we have a ton. We have a ton coming in.

Speaker 1:

I know it's less like some years. There's a ton yeah yeah, we got.

Speaker 2:

We got the Lakeville North boys coming in a couple years. That I've heard the coaching staffs are pretty stoked about. So unfortunately I won't be here for them. But you know, we got we're. We're a pretty West school for the, for the different one breakdown of the geography of it. So I think we're just trying to take advantage of those smaller states that don't do much respect and try to pick those best players and, you know, make sense of those states that do get a lot of respect and try to make the most of it.

Speaker 1:

Love it, love it. Okay, I got a couple questions. On our last one. I asked this. The last person kind of bringing it back, I think, inside lacrosse used to ask this weapon of choice. You know what's, what are the? What are the defensemen using right now? You know what because I get asked all the time and I got. So I got a, I got a reload, my my go to is otherwise we'll be given sticks. You know recommendations that are, you know, five, 10 years old. You know what are the D the defensemen using today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, I'm rocking the. I'm rocking the true, true carbon fiber shaft, a stiff one that's works out great. I've had it. I just broke my first one after having it for almost two years, which is always nice. I'm not much of a match matching strings, you guys. I go one sheet or one nylon, that's good for me. But I have since. For a while I've been rock. I've been rocking the all blacks, all black shaft, and D had black mesh, and the magic tank is always my thing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the tank is still around.

Speaker 2:

The tank is still in tank 2.0s, but hangar is still out there. I'm using that nice wide. Had to get all the nuggets knocked downs. Okay, I'm not that old yet.

Speaker 1:

I'm not that old, yet People are still using the tank. I was never an all black, I know that's been a trend. So you know, maybe, maybe we'll bring that to PL. I don't know, maybe not.

Speaker 2:

It looks nice when you got black and white jerseys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know if that would work with the Navy blues.

Speaker 2:

I know, but it looks pretty tough to any of the black gloves on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no, I could see that. I could see that. What's your favorite thing right now? What are you listening to or reading, or watching or like? What's your favorite thing?

Speaker 2:

I gotta stay relevant, I gotta stay relevant with the equipment.

Speaker 1:

I gotta stay relevant. You know what are the kids doing?

Speaker 2:

I mean playing a lot of lacrosse, that's for sure. But obviously you got your football. But I've mixed in a lot of Disney plots. You know always get the Marvel shows going. Loki's just been out, I've been watching that. You gotta get the Star Wars shows in there too. It's just great to keep catch up with big Star Wars and Marvel guys. So that's what I mainly keep up with A lot of YouTube. I feel like I'm always, especially in the winter times, watching those summer fishing videos. Think about getting on the lake in the summer.

Speaker 1:

Last question that we ask everybody what is your alley? You know this can be something you're passionate about. It could be, you know, this week, this month thing could be a lifelong thing. Honor off the field can take any direction you want.

Speaker 2:

I'd say my alley's gotta be, you know, just trying to be the best they can on the field. Obviously, everyone says that, but I think you know for me, especially especially for my parents, it's always been told you know, I'll never be upset with you as long as you work hard, and I feel like I try to take that to the cross every day, what I call my job. Take it to work every day, no matter how you're feeling tired, sick, energetic. Make sure that you're working hard every day and trying to bring that energy dollars. You know you can't get mad at someone for messing up if they're working hard. You know, always trying to do the right thing and I think that's just part of life on and off the field. You know Work ethic is a big thing and that's just definitely my alley is, you know, trying to be the best and help others become the best as well.

Speaker 1:

Love it, love it. What's that shirt? That's not a lion. No, this is from our 77 tourney run.

Speaker 2:

It's a little. Uh say, those Cardinals logo with the linen would print out under it Pretty fire. We asked coach to print out some extras for us this year so we could have one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, those are. Those are pretty sick T-shirts, Not going to lie. Oh, I can't believe. I cannot believe. I cannot believe I didn't ask this. This is the people who stayed on, the people who stayed listening. I have to ask and I have. I have someone from the other team coming on and they can, they can share their side of the story, but I but I got to ask. I know, I know, in fall ball, I know fall ball games are they're they're they're off season games. There's always there's an asterisk. You know teams could be doing different things, but I think, I think I would have gotten yelled at if I didn't ask about it, because people had been asking me what I know and I'm like I don't know, I don't know how did the linen would Maryville ball ball game go and and and how did it end?

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, you know it didn't go as planned for us. We, we, um, you know, showed up no prior, no other game experience this fall. This is for one and only scrimmage. So I think that hurt us a little bit, but, um, this is the only scrimmage. This is a, you know, kind of a rival of us from D2 former coaches on the team, a lot of players that have played against us for years, so I think they kind of had had a new us like the back of our palm for the game.

Speaker 2:

It didn't uh, we ended up losing it in a close one. Um, for the majority of the game we had started in, we started to pull guys towards the end of it. But, you know, maryville played a hell of a game from top to bottom. They uh, from what I understand, they kept their stars in and they won, they won. You know they, they uh had a, had a good game plan coming in and they executed really well and I think we learned a lot about ourselves. And so we're excited to see them again, hopefully, and see if we can uh flip the script from what, uh, the people are hoping, hoping to hear.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Sorry for saving that question till the end. Um, it was. It was like the one. I had written down that I had to ask um one scrimmage, though, for fall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I don't. Um, I don't know how it worked out this year, it's just the one we had and you know, especially a team like that they knows, knows us very well, oh they're, they're fired off, right, that's their Super Bowl.

Speaker 1:

They, they want to kick your ass, as they should. Um, you know, so that that doesn't surprise me. You know that, that part of the equation? Uh, but no, it's. It's. It's so interesting talking to different programs, right, every program runs it there. My previous interview that I don't know if you'll be after, you know when this releases, but they had, like I don't know, eight scrimmages this fall. Yeah, Like scrimmages. You know something, you know uh way more way, more than once. So everyone, everyone runs it.

Speaker 2:

I think some do zero you know, yeah, I think, after seeing you know, based on, I think, on this result a little bit, I think it might change in the future. Yeah, obviously you don't, you know, you don't want, uh, this happening at all at all, but you know, I think, I think, I think, I think I think, I think, I think, I think, I think it's tough.

Speaker 2:

We got the prior like alumni on that side that uh know the, the, they went handbook pretty well, so I maybe a little bit of extra scouting in there against us, but uh, you know they played good and I think that we'll have more scrimmages in the fall, in the future, this program, and that we know, especially us. We got a couple in the spring as well, before we hit Mercat in February.

Speaker 1:

No, that's good, that's good, cool. Well, thanks for coming down the alley. I appreciate it. I know the fans will, you know, love hearing the insights and the behind the scenes and the and the and the chatter about. Uh, you know that when you know what goes on at the next level and, um, you know what it, what it takes to get there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks for having me.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate it and thank you to Brian Colberg for coming down the alley. Um, you know this, this, uh, this year's sponsor is old Southern barbecue. Um, they've got a great deal on Thanksgiving turkeys. If you don't want to cook, and, uh, and and you want some great smoked turkey, um, they got a deal for you. You can go online. Um, you know, their link is in the show notes DTA 15. Um, is there, is available there for 15% off anything purchased on their website. They got swag, they've got rubs, they've got sauces. Um, you know, we've been talking about it all off season so far. The sponsor of the 20, 24 Minnesota high school lacrosse season, um, here at down the alley. So, um, check them out if, if, if, you're not wanting to cook next week, um, and uh, yeah, great option, old Southern barbecue.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for sponsoring, thanks to Brian Colberg for coming down the alley and we'll be back soon with another great interview. We've got some. We're kind of doing a player series. Um, you know this part of the season, you know we've been doing some coaches. I thought, hey, let's get some players on. Um, you know different levels, different programs, boys and girls. So, um, you know, kind of give, give the fans a different look here. So, um, stay tuned. We've got more players lined up and, um, you know, hopefully the players are enjoying it just as much as we are and, and, you know, hopefully hopefully you guys like listening to it. So we'll be back soon with another interview. Thanks for tuning in.

High School Lacrosse to College Recruitment
Transitioning From D2 to D1 Lacrosse
Travel, Expectations, and Lacrosse Gear