Fearlessly Facing Fifty

EP 174: Pillars - those that hold you up and support you. Meet Kimberly Jarboe

December 22, 2022 Amy Schmidt
Fearlessly Facing Fifty
EP 174: Pillars - those that hold you up and support you. Meet Kimberly Jarboe
Show Notes

In today's episode of the Fearlessly Facing Fifty podcast meet one of my pillars - my amazing friend, Kimberly Jarboe -
Pillars - those that hold you up and support you -

As you will hear from the conversation - this time of life is challenging - it comes with the gift of time to reflect and really examine where you are and where you want to go - or who you want to become -

Kim is a treasure in my life - and we hold each other up, talk each other off the ledge - or reasons to climb back on the ledge -

Kim has built an incredible business around her passion of helping others ditch toxins in their lives - and live healthier, fuller more joy-filled lives. Feel free to connect with her - I'm always up for sharing something amazing...and she's pretty amazing.

Ways to connect with Kim: Click Here


I'm so excited because INNOVO has a starter kit to give away to one of you! 
To Enter simply do the following:

Head over to IG and like the post on FearlesslyFacingFifty

Tag 3 friends who would love to win this prize (Enter as many times as you like, 1 comment = 1 entry)

Follow both @fearlesslyfacingfifty and @myinnovo_

And go to Innovo and use the CODE: AMYK100 and get an extra $100 off your starter kit! You can thank me later. Click Here

And some other special things to check out
Double Your Confidence - it's time to develop the skills and habits to live your best life - mind and body confidence.  Sign up here.

And Easy Spirit is offering a fabulous campaign- Let's move together!
You can go to their website (Click Here) and use the Code: AMY20 and receive 20% off you shoes!
Ready - SET - MOVE!