Fearlessly Facing Fifty

EP5: Hot Mamas And Hot Flashes

November 01, 2019 Amy Schmidt Season 1 Episode 5

Have you had a moment when you're searching for your glasses and they're on top of your head? Have you had a word on the tip of your tongue and you can't say it? Are your AC bills higher because you're always hot? Did you gain 5 lbs and you swear you haven't been eating donuts everyday? Did you know there are 70 million of us that are 45 and over?  And guess what, that's the average age when menopause begins.  We have tiptoed around this "M" words for years...calling it, 'The Change', 'A new season'. Let's call a spade, a spade.  It's menopause, baby and we not only get better with age...but our beauty gets better with age, too. 
This episode I chat with Rochelle Weitzner, Founder and CEO of Pause Well-Aging. You will hear from this amazing leader, how her personal story, along with her extensive knowledge in the industry, brought her to the realization that there is nothing in the market for women over 40. Menopause shouldn't be taboo or something you go through alone. Life doesn't stop at menopause.  As a matter of fact, it's just beginning.
A special offer to listeners. 15% off all products by using code FF50 at checkout.  Go to this link to get your special offer.  Go to https://www.fearlesslyfacingfifty.com/blog/hot-mamas-and-hot-flashes and follow the link for a special discount.

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Hey there. I'm Amy and welcome to the podcast fearlessly facing 50 this podcast is about conversations and connections and my mission is to encourage women over 40 to live their best life. You know what, ladies, we haven't peaked yet and we are just getting started. So if you're ready for some real talk with real people and real conversations about what really matters, you have found the right place. I'm ready. Are you ready? Let's get started. Let's get real

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Hey there. I'm Amy and welcome to fearlessly facing 50 and beyond. I'm adding that and beyond in there because I've gotten some comments and feedback from people in their thinking. If they're 53 or 58 or 65 they're too old. This isn't just about turning 50 that's my story and that's why I called it fearlessly facing 50 but I encourage any women over 40 50 60 and beyond to be a part of this journey because it's a time in our life when everything changes, we know it. We can call it what we want, we can call it the middle, we can call it all sorts of different things. But I love for women in their sixties to share information about what they'd tell their 50 year old self. We've got a show coming up on that. That's going to be fabulous. The journey on fearlessly facing 50 has been amazing. I have to just give a shout out. High fives, hugs all around. Like I say, every week to my supporters, there's an army of you out there and I am so grateful that the message that I'm sending that I'm writing is resonating with people. That's really what I want to do and I feel like we're opening the dialogue. We're having conversations, making connections, sharing stories about in time in our life that is so important that we can't dismiss because we're a force. So please follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter at fearlessly facing 50 I'm out there, man. I'm everywhere. You can check my website fearlessly facing fifty.com you can go to the blog section, check that out, do a little reading and there's a place where you can subscribe. So just type in your email and I encourage you to do that. It keeps you up to date on everything. There's also a link to the podcast there. So you go back and listen to some you might not have heard. And it's so cool about this podcast because it's now everywhere. I mean, you can search wherever you listen to podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, and now we're on iHeartRadio. I immediately thought, okay, is Ryan Seacrest's listening? All right, shout out to Ryan because I love him and I always just kind of connect him with iHeartRadio. So there's gotta be some value in having Ryan listened to at fearlessly facing 50 so you can find me on iHeart radio. So that's pretty cool. So thank you for that. Today we have an amazing show for you to listen to. I'm going to introduce you to a woman that is honestly a rock star in so many ways. She's reinvented herself. She's been a CEO, CFO of two companies. It's, she's a crazy, cool woman with a story that will inspire you. And to be quite honest, it's going to change the lives of women over 40 and I'm not exaggerating

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what we're going to be talking about today is menopause, this phase of life. We all go through. It's a little like puberty. There's a beginning and end in a middle that's kind of luck, you know, kind of yucky. But when you get to the end, from what I hear, cause I'm not there yet, it's fricking amazing. So there's confidence, there's competence, there's all these things. But do we really ever talk about menopause? I mean, when I think about my mom, I honestly, I don't remember her going through that phase. I have two older sisters and it's really not a conversation we have. When I was doing research for this story, there's so many blogs out there, women's sharing things about menopause. You can actually get sucked into a vortex of menopause blogs in about three hours later you can climb out. It's pretty crazy. Now we're not going to talk about the science specifics of menopause today. We're going to do that in a later show with some women physicians that specialize in that area. But we're going to talk about something we all go through. It's a common thread. I found something and an old column that was written not that long ago, but it was in the misconduct column of the Boston globe.

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one woman writing into the misconduct column shared a vulnerable moment when a menopause hot flash hit her. We've all had them. They do come at the most unexpected times, and this hit her while she was interviewing for a job misconduct her. A student advice about how to deal with that unexpected flash. Don't pretend it didn't happen, and do your best to put those around you at ease.

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Unless you're with lady friends. Don't make self deprecating jokes. She advised then take a deep breath, a sip of water, and dab your forehead with a well ironed handkerchief of excellent quality, perhaps even monogrammed. Learn how to do this with deliberation and ease. Allowing it to be a moment when everyone else can quickly check their smart phones, blow their noses, or organize their own thoughts. A moment that enhances your authority rather than undermining it. Just let that just let that seep in for a minute.

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menopause. That's what we're talking about. So Rachelle Weitzner

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on the verge of her 50s, and she thought, I've been in the skincare industry as a CFO for many, many years and there was something there. And she's looking to start the conversation in a bold, sophisticated, and positive way. The conversation about menopause. I want women to feel empowered, beautiful, and capable of thriving during this time. That for a lot of us might feel scary, confusing, and even a little crazy. So I'm going to turn the show over now to my interview with Rachelle. Sit back and enjoy.

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All right, so let's get real about this. Uh, something that's on the top of mind for everybody at women in the middle. You know, this podcast is specifically for women over 40, fearlessly facing 50 and beyond. And you know, it's a time in our life when everything changes. We talk about it all the time, roles change, where needed in a different way. But one common denominator we have is this big M word menopause. So I am thrilled to have Michelle Weitzner here with us today. Welcome. Thank you. Happy to be here. Yeah. Thank you. So excited about this interview. I talked about it in my, in my little story before, but uh, before we really dig into Rachelle and her background with this whole new venture she's got going on. Let's talk a little bit about, about your background. Just your intro. All right. Well, my background is a little unusual. I started, um, my career actually working in paper and forest products. Uh, I worked for international paper, the world's largest paper and forest products company for 19 years, believe it or not. And I had a bunch of different roles there, one of which took me to Paris and in Paris I was the CFO of our European container business. It was$1 billion business. Wow. And while I was living in Paris and living in Paris and say, just take a breath and just picture that Eiffel tower. It's incredible living in Paris, but also working throughout France, Italy, Spain, you traveling Ireland and Turkey. That's where all my, my business offices were located. So amazing, amazing opportunity. But living there, I became very interested in, in fashion and beauty and knew that I really wanted to do something in that space. So I moved back to the U S um, as I said, I had been with the company for 19 years. I knew if I stayed 20 years, I'd probably never leave. Yep. Yep. Um, so I made the decision to leave and I became the CFO of Laura Merciay and cosmetics company relieve skincare. Um, spent a number of years with that business, really learning, learning about beauty. Um, it was a nice transition because I was going from finance to finance, which finance language is the same whether you're a commodity or fashion or beauty that you are reinventing yourself. Right. I was, I really was and I was nervous too because you know, going to a totally different industry was I even going to get it. Um, but I did and loved it. And after spending a number of years there, I uh, was offered the opportunity to become the CEO of Erna Laszlo, which is the 90 year old skincare company, probably best known for being Maryland Monroe's skincare brand. Um, and so that was amazing too. I knew when I was brought in that that I was brought in to really help position the company for sale. The, the owners at the time were looking to sell the brand and some things needed to change. So spend about four years there. Uh, got it. Ready for sale, ultimately sold the business and uh, after sale my job was moved to China and I wasn't really interested in moving to China myself. So I left the company and I left with no idea of what I was going to do next, but I just, I knew I needed to do something different. How old were you at this point? So at that point I was 47. 47. Yeah, yeah. 46, 47, somewhere around there. And uh, I was, I was actually doing some consulting. Okay. And, um, I was living in LA at the time. Wow. Going everywhere in my head. I know, I know. I, I moved out to LA with my little dog. We had a little bungalow in Beverly Hills working for us celebrity out there and helping her launch your business. Wow. And one day I was driving to the beach Santa Monica beach and pass him place to show her. And I start sweating and dying and I look over at my wife and I'm about to start about how the air conditioning isn't working in this car is a piece of crap relatable, right? Yes. And I look at her as she's shivering under a blanket and I realize, wait a minute, it's not the car, it's me and I'm having my first hot flash, your first hot flash boom right there. And it hits you out of nowhere, out of nowhere. And at first you think, am I sick? Like right am I feverish? Yeah, exactly. But then I knew, I just knew right away I wasn't sick. I felt fine but hot. Um, and it was in that moment that I decided to start pause, well, aging. So I say that, that pause, the company was born in a flash, it was shot. There you go. And your, your aha moment. There you go. It's a flash. So tell us about this brand pause. So in that moment, as I was thinking about everything that was happening to me, and knowing that I had just spent a number of years in the beauty industry, I knew that there were no brands out there that were speaking specifically to women like me. Right. Who were experiencing the three stages of menopause. Most of us don't even know there are exactly ages. Yeah. Talk about that a little bit. There's three stages there are. So the first one is called peri-menopause, and this is the stage that we tend to be the most symptomatic. This is when the hot flashes are the strongest. This is where the skin really starts to change. We get acne because our sebaceous glands that are responsible for producing, producing the waxes and oils, they were protected previously by estrogen with the estrogen fluctuating. They're no longer protected. And we break out like a teenager. Um, I never knew that. Yeah. I mean, I knew that. Yeah. I mean, I have those breakouts, but that's an, that's the science behind that. Exactly. And there's just, there's so many things like this brain fog, this is one that plagues me terribly. Oh yeah, I know what I want to say. Or I know somebody whose name I've been working with them or talking to them for years and I can't, I can't find the words, the real thing. And you start to think, am I okay? Is early onset Alzheimer's? And because we don't talk about menopause enough as a society, right? We don't know, is this okay? Is this normal? And so someone needs to help us understand that these things are normal. So, right. That's what I'm looking to do. But peri-menopause so typically starts around age 45. Okay. Um, one thing though that we're seeing is that as women, more women are doing IVF treatments, right? Um, that the, those treatments seem to be aging the body a little bit faster. And we're seeing peri-menopause start as early as 38. Wow. And this peri-menopause phase, typically less seven to 12 years. That's true. The next stage is called menopause. And menopause by definition is when you've gone 12 full months without having a period. Okay. Yeah, I've heard that one before. Yeah. Then you're in menopause, but literally the next day, that very next day, so menopause, yay, you got there that next day you're post-menopausal and you stay there for the rest of your life, for the rest of your life. That's right. That's your label. You wear it loud and proud. That's it. And so think back to what I just said about the women starting peri-menopause at 38 we could conceivably spend more than half our lives in a phase of menopause on boldly. So we probably need to know a little bit more about it. We need to be, and it's funny you say that because I think of my mom, I mean, and I have two older sisters. My mom has since has passed away, but we never talked about this. I don't even talk about it with my six. My sisters who are in their sixties I mean we just don't have that conversation. Yeah. So there is so much we can learn about it. Well, and even when I told my mom I was going to start this company and it's like, I don't understand why you want to do that. Why do people want to talk about this? I mean, I was just, yeah, negative all around, but I give you so much credit. I think it's just an amazing thing and there's so much focus on anti aging and aging backwards. So I really like this concept of well aging that you came up with. So tell me about well, aging. So when I was thinking about the line of what I wanted to do, I mean I knew I wanted to come out with starting with the skincare line because that was the business I knew is where I had just come from, um, spend a lot of time in product development and sales and all aspects of skincare. So I kinda knew what I was doing, thought I knew what I was doing anyway. Um, and so I wanted to create a line that was formulated specifically for the physiological skin changes that come from menopause, that being loss of collagen, loss of elasticity, extreme dryness and loss of radiance, check, check, check, check. Yeah. So we created a complex, we call it the pause complex, which is this blend of vitamins, antioxidants, and peptides to really address those physiological changes, this complex lives in every product across our line. Um, but then the other thing that was really important to me was this concept of, of anti aging. To me, when you think of that anti, we're so against something. Yeah. So against a job work, yes. Be against aging. We are HIV, let's do it. Well, let's do it on our terms the way we want to and if we want to use tools to help us along, great. And if we don't, that's fine too. So we trademarked well aging and that's, that's really what we speak about is pause. Well, aging skincare. Yes. So you're, it's your own hashtag right there. It's hashtag while aging fresh shell Weitzner that's right. That's awesome. I really, I just, I love that. And when you think about the word anti, it is so strong and it, and it, it, I mean it's just, it makes a lot of sense. I heard you once say pause is both science for your skin and community for your soul. I love that. So just, just explain that a little bit. Yeah, so the science part, we are very much science driven. Um, we, we formulated a clean skincare line, which means to me that there is no formal definition of clean yet the industry hasn't defined it. But in my view, um, that means we are free from any sort of ingredient that can be harmful to you tend to hold carcinogens, nothing like that. And the fact is that, you know, science has come so far and our chemistry abilities have come so far and what we can use, um, for products and get actually real results too. So it makes no sense. Why would you not have a clean line? So we're clean, we're vegan, we're gluten free, we're non-GMO and we are leaping bunny certified, which was most important to me. I have to say. Now, what, what does that, so leaping bunny certified meats were cruelty-free, um, never any sort of animal testing and you know, people are like, well, I mean that just seems like a given. And who wants to hurt animals by, I have to tell you, any brand, um, whether it's in the beauty business, so it could be skincare, it could be makeup. If you sell in China, the Chinese government requires for you to get registration in China, your products must go through animal testing. And so I've gone so far as to say, I say it on my website and I believe this whole heartedly, we will never enter the Chinese market while animal testing is required. Fantastic. Now there are some ways you could gain the system and get around that. Um, something called cross border transactions where you actually ship products into Hong Kong. They can then flow into China without that testing. Um, but honestly, I, I feel so strongly about that, that I just don't have anything to do at the country that requires animal testing. Exactly. Wow. So, so back to science. So we formulate, um, thinking about skin health and tissue quality from the outside in and outside in would be our topical products, but also from the inside out and the inside out, meaning we've developed a, an FDA registered class, one medical device that we call our, um, fascist stimulating tool. And this tool was designed by a doctor of physical therapy who is a tissue and mobility specialist. Wow. And what's so unique about this tool? So we're applying the science that the physical therapists use to treat elite athletes. Sure. And it's called instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization. So we're not using a guash shot techniques. Some people think, is that a GWAS shot tool? It's not as different. Yeah. Um, our technique uses very minimal pressure. Okay. Yeah. Let's, you stimulate the cells that produce collagen. And so just to talk sciencey for a minute, we'll get to crass in dating. I like it. Yeah. So fascia is the connective tissue that runs through the body. Okay. It's basically our soft skeleton is the best way to think of it. And within the fashion live, the cells that produce collagen, they're called fiberglass. Okay. When we reach our twenties these fibroblasts that have been producing all this collagen all along, they start to slow down a little bit in your 20s. Wow. In the 20s is when it starts to slow. Sure. In your forties, they go to sleep. Oh. They are no longer producing collagen. So as we continue to age and there is no new collagen being produced, that's when we start to also see the loss of elasticity and some drooping and sagginess. So, but the cells are still there, they're just asleep. So what we're seeking to do is wake them up. Okay. Do that through a massage technique that we teach. There's, there's videos on our website about it. Okay. Good videos on Amazon. And it's what makes our tools so unique is its edge. The beveled edge, um, is constructed in such a way that you get what's called shear. Okay. The required amount of shear to stimulate the fiberglass with very little pressure or reelect required. So when you, and it's really a luxurious massage. Well that sounds fantastic. Yeah. The tool has made a medical grade stainless steel. It's patented. It can be kept in the refrigerator. Oh, I love that. Right. Pull it out of the fridge. Use your moisturizer first. Right. And then the tool on top of it, it's an easy to use. So for anybody listening that gets nervous about tying a scarf for pizza, I have to watch video 16 times. You can do this, you could totally do it. As a matter of fact, I personally made a video of myself using the tool less than five minutes a day because it's like I wanted to be able to show, yes, people can do this. You don't have to know. Right. Really anything. Or you don't need to go to a physical therapist. You do this yourself. That's right. I love it. And it's pound rate for the neck area. Yeah. Yeah. That's where everything starts. Well that is, I mean, the science behind it, that's, that's what people want to know. That's right. So we're really, really steeped in science, but at the same time, we also believe in community and we wanted to create a platform where women could go to get education that really wasn't available. Right. And modern education. I mean what we do find is things maybe from the fifties yeah, yeah. Right. Just ridiculous. Like I'm of the belief that when we reach our forties or 50s and beyond now, I mean we're younger than we've ever been. I think so. I know I said for a force. Yeah. We are a force. If there's something that, I mean, and the sad thing is is when you Google MetLife, what pops down crisis. Yup. No, there's no crisis. No, not at all. No, no. It's, it's this time in life and I'm telling you, I'm seeing it more and more just from, it's amazing. And I think, I think everybody going forward needs to realize that women are educated, they're smart and this is, this is just part of it. And talking about menopause and putting it out there, it's, Hey, we all experience it. Yeah. And I really want to put a new face on it too. Yes. I think right now we tend to conjure up in our minds, the face of menopause is your great, great, great grandmother. Right? She's really old and decrepit. Yes. Whatever that is. Not the face of Bennett. Paul's not, the face of menopause is really someone who's very active. We're very much involved in wellness. I started boxing when I turned 50 wow. I mean it's just so many things that we can do now and that's what we should be focused on. It's not the end of our lives. It's really a new beginning. It's feeling confident. Yeah. And being competent. I mean learning these things, that's, it's all about life learning. I say that and everyone in my podcast. So how have the people that have been using these products, how have they responded? Are they able to use the tools? Are they finding the products easy to use? Yeah, absolutely. I mean the response has been tremendous. So we're only, we're less than five months. I know. Incredible. We're, we're still pretty new. And it was important to me that when we debuted the product line that we came out with, you know, our initial products that would be really meaningful to people using them. So we launched with three products we launched with, I talked about our fascist stimulating tool. We launched with a moisturizer and we launched with a hot flash cooling. This is sitting right in front of me because I know I'm going to have one at some point and we had to have a mist because that was how the line was. Creek was, yeah. You know, conceived during my first hot flash. So for sure I had to have a remedy exam and there was nothing out there that, that existed. So our mist has become a cult favorite product. It's not only our women with hot flashes using it and finding amazing relief, but we're also finding men are loving it lately. Anyone going to the gym? Oh you know your post workout. Yeah. A little spray. And our midst is not like the, the water myth that people think about. And as a matter of fact, I say don't even spray your face. The best thing to do is spray the back of the neck. Yeah, sure. That's your pulse points. Okay. And wait a minute. Yeah. Cause it takes a minute and then it will cool you down for an hour. Okay. Wow. An hour. It's amazing. Wow. Um, and then if you need more, you can add more. You, it, you can layer it as much as you need to. It can be used in the chest area, the neck, it can be used in the face. You just want to stay away from your eyes, your eyes for sure. Okay. And all of this information that's going to be linked to the podcast with the website and all of that. So you'll be able to, to go on the site and, and you order your products and try them out, which is fabulous. Yeah, we actually just, there's a group called next tribe and next familiar with next tribe. Yeah. Next tribe. Tremendous. Um, and their editors just named us editors choice for favorite moisturizer. Oh, fabulous. So very excited about that. And again, less than five months old, I mean that, that, that speaks volumes. So, so let's talk about this. I've mentioned this a little bit. Um, there's so many erectile dysfunction commercials on the air waves all the time. I mean, all the time, anytime a day. And there's nothing about menopause, so, so how are you getting out there and how are people receiving it? So this is like the best question ever because I have to say when I decided I was going to launch the company, I thought my biggest hurdle was going to be finding an investor, convincing somebody that menopause would be sexy to invest in. Right? Yeah. Well I found my investor, he's amazing. We're very aligned on vision and that was tremendous. I could write a book on what that process was like to get there, but that's a whole other podcast. Um, but okay, so I got my funding and I figured, well, so now the fun begins. We create our products, we put together our marketing. I'm going to talk with all the beauty editors, I'm going to go to QBC. I'm going to do all these things. Right. Well, here's what I found out. First thing was I went to QVC and they were super excited about the brand. You know, we are exactly their target graphic target demographics. Absolutely perfect for me because it allows me a platform to really educate, particularly with the tool, because that is something you need to know how to use it. But once you know, you know, and it's easy. So we're talking, we're talking and next thing I know I get an email, we need to put pause on pause. I was like, okay, what's happening? Yeah, well our lawyers have gotten involved and they tell us that menopause is a medical condition and we can't say the word menopause on television. A medical condition. Yes. So you hear that ladies, we are all suffering from Metta medical conditions. Exactly. No. By definition, I mean at the FDA will tell you that menopause is the life stage. Any, you know, any authority knows menopause. Just like puberty. It's like puberty is a light in the middle. You get to the end. Yeah. Um, heart disease. That's a medical condition. Yes. Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition. It is. Menopause is not, but yet we were blocked from going to UBC because we couldn't say medical staff. And I, and I refuse to dance around and talk about, you know, the change or your ne M word. I mean, whatever. Yeah, I won't do that. I need to be able to say menopause and talk about it and people know what we're saying. So that was my first hurdle. My second hurdle came from the beauty magazines and the beauty magazines. I met with basically every editor, every publication you can think of. And they all told me, you know, we've never written about menopause before, particularly in the context of beauty. We don't want our readers to feel badly about themselves. So we don't talk about menopause. You know, my reaction was, are you kidding me? What a disservice you're doing to your readers. No wonder we don't know anything about menopause and we don't talk about it. Um, but I'm really, really happy to say that last week the November issue of allure came out tastic and on the cover it says the end of anti-aging. Oh, did you hear that ladies? And there is a whole article about menopause now. To me, it doesn't go far enough, but it's a start. But it's your hashtag there. Well, aging. So our products are there. Okay. We are listed in the article says help is here. I love it. Perfect. Which is great. So we're starting to make some strides, but it's just so interesting to your point that erectile dysfunction is everywhere. Commercials are everywhere. And I keep hearing about how no one thinks they can talk about menopause. They think it's a medical condition. It's, it's absurd. It's absurd. And so we're gonna just break down all those barriers and you'll, you'll start hearing about menopause everywhere. So I think, so that seat, you're hearing it here first. And this is what's amazing because Rochelle is a rock star. I'm telling you, I'm thrilled to be sitting two feet away from you. Um, so let's talk about this. I did research of course, and just found it fascinating. Just your whole story and then this, this event that you had, which sound, I wish I could have been there, um, on, what was it? Caroline's on Broadway. Yes. So when we were thinking about doing the launch of the brand, you know, there's all kinds of things you could do. Editor events, maybe you do a dinner or a luncheon. And we, we introduced the brand because what we're looking to do is obviously get awareness, get publicity, um, because that's how we're going to sell products that people know we even exist. Right. I wanted to do something a little different. I feel very strongly that at this time in our lives, we need to have a lot of humor. Yeah. That's for sure. And I love comedy. Yeah. And so Caroline of Caroline's comedy club now for those who maybe don't know what Caroline's is, Caroline discovered Jerry Seinfeld. She discovered Jay Leno, any comedian that we can think of, they got their start at Caroline's comedy clubs. She is, she is a rock star. A rock star. Right. And bad-ass power. Yes. Herself. So she and I had met at an event. We were friends. Um, so I reached out to her and I said, Caroline, I have this idea. I would love to launch my brand. I told her about the brand with you, and I'd like to use the comedy club. And what do you think about, let's do an open mic night and we'll invite these comedians to talk about their experience with menopause. And she stops me right there and she's like, Whoa, hold on, hold on. That's a horrible idea. That's like, that's like, I love her honesty. Wait, what? Yeah. She's like, no, no, no, you can't. You can't open it up to the public. We need a real show. She's like, do you trust me? I said, sure. I trust you. She's like, leave it with me. Let me personally produce the show for you. Oh, I will find the comedians. I'll get you a host. I already know who it is. It's Judy gold. She's going to be the host and the show will be amazing. I'm like, okay. Okay. It sounds fantastic. Yeah, so that's what we did. We did the launch of a skincare line at Caroline's comedy club. That's amazing. Now can you catch it? Catch any of that like on YouTube or something? So on our website. Okay. Um, which has pause. Well, aging.com it's all one word. No hyphens. Okay. Pause it and like, yeah, put it, if you put it in the notes, but it's paused, like take a pause and not, not furry. Pause, pause. Well, aging. We in our blog section, which is called connect the dots. Um, there is a blog listed that says six menopausal women walk into a bar and when you go to that particular article and you scroll down a bit, there's a five minute video. Perfect. I'm an excerpt from that show and it will have you rolling on the floor. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah, I heard about it. I heard it was a great success. That's fantastic. What a great way to launch it. It was amazing being authentic, being genuine. You're bringing the subject there, but you're laughing about it. Yeah, I people are still talking about that. Yeah. That's fabulous. So I hope you continue to do that. I were, we're looking into ways to do that with all of the things you have going on. Just add that. Yes. Um, okay. So let's, let's fast forward three years. So I'm sitting here again with you and, uh, we have a glimpse into the life now of Rochelle Weitzner in three years. Where do you see yourself and where do you see pause? Well, aging, hopefully we are a well known brand. Oh, I think that's at that point, yes. You know, when you say paws to somebody, they will know exactly what you're talking about. Or they'll see our logo, which is three gold dots. And if you're wondering what that is, um, some people say, well, it must be the three stages of menopause or its phases of the moon or whatever. No, it's the ellipses. It's the pause in the conversation and the bridge to what's next and trust. So you're right, I didn't, I'm looking at him right now. Those dots. That's fascinating. Yeah. So, you know, when you're texting with someone and you're waiting for them to come back, what do you get the three dots? It's your pause in the conversation. That's fabulous. So I want to own those three gold dots. I want to see ladies walking down the street with, you know, t-shirts with three gold dots or whatever. And you're part of the club. Everyone knows. Yep. Knows who you are. Um, I think we would have a pretty extensive line at that point. And our line will be products that are really based on, um, basic ritual, your basic ritual for skin care, but then also problem solvers. So I talked about a few of them. Hot flashes. That's a problem we're trying to solve, right? Acne, a problem that we're trying to solve. And we have a product coming out in March of next year. Oh, fabulous. That will solve everyone's problems if you use it continuously. It's a, it's a very light, um, serum. Okay. Calling it a detox serum and I use it. I've been using it twice a day, morning and night. It's just a little splash. It's just like water. Yeah. It keeps you from ever breaking out. Oh wow. I mean, it's unbelievable. It's got to take notes of that. And I'm sitting here looking at Michelle and your skin is stunning. I mean, it's stunning. Oh, there, it's all over the website. But it is, it's beautiful. Thank you. And I never wear makeup. Yeah. Well, why, why do you, when you have beautiful skin, red meat, makeup? Um, I hope that our community is very strong and thriving and active where, where women are interacting and sharing their stories. That's what it's about. And yeah, and we're not afraid to say menopause anymore. Exactly. Conversations, connections and sharing stories. That's what this is all about. Well, I have enjoyed this so much. Thank you Ben. Great. Um, one thing I always ask my guests at the last time, cause I always leave a tag line at the end of my, uh, podcast, but what advice would you give women at this stage of life? So they feel empowered and confident when there's so much uncertainty, what would you leave them with? Yeah, I mean, at this stage in our life we, we know so much and we do have so much strength and power and don't underestimate that. If you want something, ask for it. Good advice and take a risk. Um, I have to say that I, you know, I probably went back and forth. I don't know how many times about, do I really have a brand here? Should I be launching my own skincare line now? Am I crazy to do this? Your fifties in my fifties exactly. I mean we, my first hot flash hit when I was 48 and the company launched when I was 50. Fantastic. So story, that's the story. So just make it happen. Go out there and do it. Don't um, you know, don't let insecurity takeover cause we really shouldn't have any right now. Right. Don't become and physical. That's it. Don't lose your identity. Keep forging ahead. Well this is fantastic. Thank you so much. Thank you. To you. Information will be on the website which will be linked to pause while aging the website. Do you have an Instagram page and that type of thing to do and some fantastic news that Rochelle just shared was the fact that if you want to try some of the products, which I encourage you to do, you can go to the website, pause[inaudible] dot com and at checkout you put in a special code

Speaker 3:

which will get you 15% off the products. The code you're going to use is F, F, 50, so F, F, like fearlessly facing, and then the number five zero. So I encourage you to check it out and uh, and take advantage of this special savings.

Speaker 2:

Perfect. All that. So I'll have all the information for you. Thank you. Thank you.[inaudible].