Fearlessly Facing Fifty

EP 80: Bladder health at midlife with Lisa King

Amy Schmidt

Let's be honest, there are so many times as women we have questions that are tough to ask, right?  Bladder health is one of those topics.  Whether it's recurring UTI's, leaky bladder, incontinence, painful bladder, there are so many times we shy away from asking for fear of being embarrassed.  At times we suffer unknowingly, and don't reach out for help.

That’s exactly the situation that Lisa King found herself in when she was missing out on her kid’s sports activities. She was terrified to attend business events with her husband and could spend days or weeks physically unable to move for the pain. 

Doctors brushed Lisa off as having standard Urinary Tract Infections.  It took her almost 8 years to receive an official diagnosis for Interstitial Cystitis. Sadly, this timeframe for diagnosis is an inside joke as so many women face the same difficulties of diagnosis. 

Once Lisa finally knew what was causing her so much pain, she could start taking steps to alleviate it, or so she thought. But the journey was longer and harder than anticipated. With very little support, and suffering from a condition that caused embarrassment and social awkwardness that people just didn’t talk about, it took her a lot of figuring out. 

Lisa King has been a pharmacist for over 30 years and has a wealth of experience and knowledge on what does and doesn’t work for treating the symptoms of the condition, and she’s here to share that with us today.  Lisa is a wellness consultant and best selling author,

Listen in for Lisa’s tips to boost your immune system, heal your gut, foods to eat or avoid, and create a life free from bladder pain.

You can reach out to Lisa  here to purchase her book and reach out to her personally.

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