Fearlessly Facing Fifty

EP 83: Choosing Love. A conversation with Scarlett Lewis

Amy Schmidt

What would your life be like if you consciously changed an angry thought into a loving one?

This is the mission behind the Choose Love Movement which was founded by Scarlett Lewis  after tragically losing her son on December 14, 2012 at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. 

As I talked with Scarlett, she shared how the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement started the day of Jesse's funeral to honor her son, and to spread a message he left on their kitchen chalkboard shortly before he died.  Nurturing. Healing. Love!  Three powerful words.  The formula for choosing love is #courage #gratitude #forgiveness #compassion.  Choosing love in any situation....and boy how we need that formula in our lives right now.

You can find out more about the Choose Love Movement here by viewing their website.  All of the materials and resources are free.  Scarlett and I will be working together in the coming months with the Fearlessly Facing Fifty community - so stay tuned. 

Thank you Scarlett Lewis for sharing your insight and inspiration.  You are a treasure.

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