Fearlessly Facing Fifty

EP 105: Happy is the new healthy with Dr. Joan Neehall

Amy Schmidt

If there was ever a need for a book like this, it is now. As a world renowned expert on the subject, Dr. Joan Neehall is the one to deliver this message.

Have you been stressed, anxious, or worried? Have you felt pangs of loneliness in recent times? Are you longing for greater connection with others and the world around you? In a phrase, Are you looking for happiness?

If so, you are not alone—at least not statistically speaking. Millions of others are seeking this feeling of spiritual, mental, and physical wellness too.

Now, in her latest book, Happy Is the New Healthy, forensic psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Joan Neehall explores the underlying causes of unhappiness, and shares with us the secrets to rewriting the frequent thoughts and redirecting the common behaviors that keep us in that state. Most importantly, she demonstrates, through examples from her 35 years of clinical practice, how others have successfully initiated the kinds of changes in their lives that engender the feelings of peace, satisfying connection, and enduring happiness we all seek.

Of course, the advice in this book could not be more timely. A dedicated chapter not only acknowledges the very specific challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic presents for individual, societal, and global happiness, it advances ways to look at, cope with, and use the most daunting of circumstances to reimagine the kind of future that will make you happiest. By daring us to take charge of our emotional health and giving us the tools to do so, this book partners with its readers, reminding them that we are not at all alone in this pursuit.

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Are you ready for a Transformative Experience for women

Come join us....Fearlessly Facing Fifty presents: Meant For More!

Dream about what is possible and feel the power in your pause - taking a weekend just for you.

Weekend Event

Join Amy Schmidt, and a carefully curated group of thought leaders around midlife and beyond, as we dig deep into all of the top of mind topics.  Immerse yourself with inspiration as you hear from keynotes, engage in workshops and have courageous conversations beachside or around the fire pit.  

Experience personal growth, wellness, and a toolbox of inspiration to apply to your life

Discover a new sense of self, a renewed confidence and inner strength.

Get ready to CANNONBALL with confidence and bring your best self to every moment.  Every woman has something to offer, and this weekend   

Who is the “Meant For More” event for?

Women who are ready to be treated as a Guest Of Honor (#GOH) 

Women who are ready to feel inspired and encouraged

Women who are ready to get connected and step outside your comfort zone 

Be a part of the first exclusive event and create memories and enjoy yourself.  When women come together and leave inspired - magic happens.

Click here to sign up to be the first to know about the event! (It will fill quickly)


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