Fearlessly Facing Fifty

EP 108: Now THIS is how we menopause. A conversation with Kindra's Catherine Balsam-Schwaber

Amy Schmidt

So what is going on?  I'm hot. I'm tired. I can't sleep.

Sounds familiar?  So many women have questions about menopause. 
Does this sound question sound relatable?

“ I wish I knew what all the potential symptoms were so I could be better prepared.”  We all know the classic symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and brain fog, but are there any lesser known side effects that women should be aware of?

Today I talk with
Catherine Balsam-Schwaber, CEO of Kindra. She shares her story, and why she's opening the dialogue for women about perimenopause and what women experience.  Kindra has an array of products that help with symptom relief, and a community that will custom-tailor a program specific to your menopause journey.     

 Kindra provides ‘proven, estrogen-free solutions, supportive community and personalized resources for managing menopause and relieving symptoms.  Kindra is on a mission to help you prepare for, manage, and embrace your body’s natural hormonal shifts.

I have been using Kindra products for awhile and am finding great relief to things such as tiredness, and vaginal dryness. 

Kindra is offering special savings on their products.  You can find the link here,  to peruse all of the products, and use the code AMY20 at checkout for 20% savings.


Ready to redefine menopause?  Check out Kindra!  Here is the link: and find something just for you - from supplements for energy or to help you relax and sleep at night - to treating vaginal dryness...Ladies...Kindra is doing menopause, right!  And use the code AMY20 at checkout for special savings!

Are you ready for a Transformative Experience for women

Come join us....Fearlessly Facing Fifty presents: Meant For More!

Dream about what is possible and feel the power in your pause - 
taking a weekend just for you.

Weekend Event

Join Amy Schmidt, Kristen Coffield, and a carefully curated group of thought leaders around midlife and beyond, as we dig deep into all of the top of mind topics.  Immerse yourself with inspiration as you hear from keynotes, engage in workshops and have courageous conversations beachside or around the fire pit.  

Experience personal growth, wellness, and a toolbox of inspiration to apply to your life

Discover a new sense of self, a renewed confidence and inner strength.

Get ready to CANNONBALL with confidence and bring your best self to every moment.  Every woman has something to offer, and this weekend   

Who is the “Meant For More” event for?

Women who are ready to be treated as a Guest Of Honor (#GOH) 

Women who are ready to feel inspired and encouraged

Women who are ready to get connected and step outside your comfort zone 

Be a part of the first exclusive event and create memories and enjoy yourself.  When women come together and leave inspired - magic happens.

Click here to sign up to be the first to know about the event! (It will fill quickly)