The Fitter Confident Youniverse; LGBTQ+ companion to wellbeing and fitness

Fitter Confident Crew: Episode 1

October 16, 2019 Fitter Confident You Founder Matt Boyles & chatty friend, David O'Hare! Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the Fitter Confident You podcast, Fitter Confident Crew! Hosted by Matt Boyles, founder of Fitter Confident You (someone how's 'quite' into fitness) and his friend David O'Hare (someone who's not into fitness as much, you know, for balance).

The FCC podcast very much continues in the Fitter Confident You style - it's funny, warm and most of all wants to help make fitness accessible for everyone.

Science + real world experience + not taking it all too seriously = Fitter Confident Crew.

Find out more about Fitter Confident You and the different ways we support our clints:

Looking for an easy way into the Fitter Confident Youniverse? Grab the FCY book!