The Fitter Confident Youniverse; LGBTQ+ companion to wellbeing and fitness

Fitter Confident Crew: YOUR FITNESS JOURNEY!

February 01, 2021 Matt Boyles Season 2 Episode 3

Time for the third step in your fitness journey, and handily, the third episode of this series of the Fitter Confident Crew podcast - ie. this!

This episode is about the ups and downs of your fitness journey, how to get back into it after a break and how to maintain perspective of what you're doing and just enjoy the whole thing, that much more.

Again, that sounds a bit dry, but trust me, it ain't.

There's also much chat about Fanny Sunesson, High School Musical, Ryan Phillippe, the hourglass body shape (David's)...

PLUS a really lovely and open interview with Fitter Confident You Client Neal AND the return of everyone's favourite improv feature, "Five minutes in _______ class" - this week, it's an outdoor virtual - we imagine what they're like, so you don't have to!

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