The Fitter Confident Youniverse; LGBTQ+ companion to wellbeing and fitness

Fitter Confident Crew: RESILIENCE!

Matt Boyles Season 2 Episode 5

The Fitter Confident Crew podcast explores RESILIENCE today, with Matt and David approaching it in their 'unique' (ahem) style. 

>> Finding some resilience can help with all parts of your Fitness Journey, but guess what... (spoiler alert), you're more resilient than you think, and we're going to show you how!

PLUS! There's an interview with Fitter Confident You client Darren who has some opinions to share...

AND! Saving you from ever going to a fitness class again, Matt and David spend five minutes in a Yoga class (just wait til Sister Cathy turns up...).

Have an awesome week, Fitter Confident Younicorns!

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