Nature Just Got Real!

Ep #3 - Amazon on Fire-part 2

April 15, 2020 K.B. Carr

Do you wonder why the rain forest is on fire and what we can do about it? My guest is Chelsea Raiche from Friends of the Rainforest, and she gives us a unique perspective on this troubling issue, as well as some things we can do about it. This is part 2 of 2 episodes.

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Amazon on fire episode to what we find out what we can do to help the rainforest starting right now. Welcome to the weird and wacky planets. Nature just got really podcast for kids. Joint cable Car Author of the weird and wacky Planet Siri's with Chuck Darwin, Tito and Captain Jack as they bring you the real skinny on what's really going on in the natural world. And now he's your host. Baby, this is Amazon on Fire episode to remember that during the episode I had a horrible cold and Chelsea had no external mic. But again, this part two is where she covers the things that we can do as a family, as a public to, uh, to help the rainforest. So please enjoy Amazon on Fire. Episode two What other words was, Why do rainforest really? What do they really need to

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our planet? You know? Why are they so important? So rain forests are. They say it's it's the lungs of the planet, right? So what does that really essentially they are cleaning our air. They they are taking in a lot of carbon purposes, sequestering and so when we're cutting them down and it's not just in their areas all over. So when we cut them down, we're actually doing a lot of negative impact just to our air quality. And then that warms up the environment. So we see more of the greenhouse effect. We see the you know, and that affects the weather. They also take care of the water chef so they actually clean our water and our air. So all of that cycling through and we're seeing an impact as faras our environment globally, what's happening with weather and with climate and all sorts of things. But they also protect a lot of animals that we take for granted. So in your backyard, if you're in the Midwest, there's over 94 species of birds migrate to the rainforest. So if we take down the rainforest, their summer home is gone. I mean, imagine you go on vacation to Florida and you get there in your hotel is just gone. So animals need Marta. Wits definitely had a lot of problems with birds being able to migrate back. That's another show. But we're gonna talk about that that we talk about when we push a lot. You know, if you want to protect the rainforest. That's important. But you also have to protect your natural environment because you're you're have attack because those animals need somewhere not just at the start, in the finish of that migratory journey, but everywhere along the way they're stopping exactly exactly. All right. So now we need to talk about what's happening out there as as at the time of this recording. Not there are fires burning in the Amazon has been a lot of news coverage about it, and I know that. You know, a lot of kids have seen that coverage and it's concerning. It is so I think we want to know, You know, why are parts of the rainforest? Because you wouldn't think a rain forest wood wood be so flammable. So why're parts of the rainforest on on fire? Why is that happening? That's a big question. The first thing is that Rand force are not flammable. Um, what we're seeing happen is that the if you have a reinforcements natural state, it is so wet. It is so moist. Even one of explain right? If you let a fire, it will go out. What's happening is as farmers decide to clear land for a field. They will burn their land and they'll do. They'll keep that fire going. So as a fire starts to burn, all of the trees that aren't on fire near the fire start to dry out from that heat. Then they become more flammable. So the more fire that we see starting, the more all of that around. It dries out and can then be lit on fire. And as people burn more, there's less area that's holding in that moisture. So the remaining Forrester's to dry out a lot faster. So the I think the important thing to remember is the Amazon hasn't really it's It's not on fire, it's still on fire. You know, this has been a problem forever. But this year we're seeing I think the last number I saw was 800% more fires this year, so we see a lot of that for cattle farming. That's kind of the biggest culprit of this, uh, so one of the big things we could do is you know, people talk about being vegan is the best thing for the environment that's not feasible for everybody. That's not everybody's preference I would need a cook. Right. But I do it I think about, you know, what could I do that makes a difference? Well, imagine if everybody you knew ate meat or beef. Half is often so okay, maybe three days a week. You're not eating meat. You're not becoming a vegetarian. But if half if everybody does that half the time, then that's the same as half of people becoming vegetarians when I could totally do that. All right. Right there. That's going to do about it. Or, you know, look into I know, In ST Louis, we have an organization called Known and Grown where they partner with local farms and local providers. So you can, you can say, Oh, who do I know that has beef? And you can make sure that this is a group that you want to support. Well, a lot of areas have, fatso, you know, Are you supporting local farms? And sometimes that is more expensive. So, you know, maybe your parents don't want a foot. That bill, if you talk to them and say, Hey, can we support a local farmer, a local cattle farmer, and eat half is often then you know, maybe that's okay, too. D'oh! So that that's one change. And that's, you know, the big culprit of fires. And as we change our demand, we change. We change what they're doing with that land, agree? We're kind of going with our groceries Goshi back. Exactly. Exactly. You know they're going to give us more than we need. So we need to reduce our needs. So there's less there. I love that love, that idea. And so my last question, This is kind of a signature question for the show. And what do you want kids to know? What's your closing? What do you want them to know? What I want kids to know is that they are the most powerful voice for our world. Of the Children's eternal rain forest, the one that we primarily support was started in the eighties by a group of second grade Swedish students. So second graders did this. There's nothing that stops you aside from feeling like who's gonna listen to me? I mean, when we look ATT credit coming over and she's talking now to the world leaders, she's awesome, but people were listening. It's you know, when we talk about? What can I do? Help people tell people what's important to you? If you are having a birthday, you know your grand parents are getting you presents. You know your parents are getting your presence. Tell people that you want to do a fundraiser for a cause. Maybe that's the rainforest. Maybe that's service dogs. Maybe it's, you know, whatever's important to you. Just don't be afraid to talk to people about it. Because a lot of times we don't we don't know what we don't know. So maybe I'm really interested in a cause that you're passionate about, but I've just never heard of it. So we mean to share. We need to share those things. Love it, love it. Thank you so much. You know what? You know that as some of you may have seen, this caught on my my wrist here, mister Bracelet made out of rainforest Jasper. And it's got a little lot Tree frog charm. Oh, beautiful. Available on the web site. Um, So if you want one, check it out on the weird, wacky planet dot com website in the store area, and, uh, just know that part of the proceeds are going to have friends of the rainforest using our contribution to your to your cause, which we firmly firmly do believe in. I just I want to thank you so much for coming on the show with you to talk to you, and we learned a lot about about what's going on in the rainforest. We appreciate it so much. And if anybody has questions, just send us an email or a small office, so we usually get right back. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Right, right by

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I hope you enjoyed the second part of Amazon on fire that concludes our Amazon on fire episodes. And now a word from our sponsor. Would you like to meet an animal wearing pink armor and a white, too, to about an underwater Q T with pink hair and blue fingernails, or maybe a deer wearing a gas mask? Introduce yourself to these animals and mawr in the book Weird and Wacky Endangered Creatures to part of the weird and wacky planet Siri's by K B car. Discover them wherever books are sold and stick your nose into your own copy. Now here's Chuck Darwin with are Weird and wacky word of the week. It's time for the weird and wacky word of the week. The world of the week is poaching. Poaching is a noun, which means the illegal practice of trespassing on another's property, toe hunt or steal game without permission used as a verb. Word would be poach as in to poach on another's land. See how many times you can use this word in a sentence Today in a press someone with your genius until next week, I am Dr Chuck Darwin. Cheerio. Thanks so much, Chuck. Try using that word in a sentence this week and see how that works out for you and pressure teachers, your your parents and your friends. And now it's time for ask the captain. Take it away, Jack. I got a question. Ask that, Captain. Ah, hi, I'm eighties. This week's question comes from Shawn in Los Angeles. Shuman wants to know where in the world the rainforests are found. Well, Sean, rainforests are found on every continent on Earth except Antarctica. There are two types of rainforests tropical rainforests and temperate rainforests. Tropical rainforests are found closer to the equator. The largest tropical rainforests are in southeast Asia, West Africa and Central and South America. Temperate rainforests are found in North America on the Pacific Coast and go from Northern California up into Canada. Redwood National Forest is a great example of a temperate rainforest fun fact. They're called rainforests because a large amount of rainfall they get every year they cover only 6% of the worst that world surface, but they contain more than half of the world's land and animal species. That's crazy, right? I hope that answers your question, Sean, and thank you for asking. If anyone else has a question, you can e mail it to me at nature. Just that rio at gmail dot com I'm always listening. This is Captain Jack signing off in town next week. Bye bye. Thank you, Jack. If you've got a question to ask Captain Jack, just email her nature just got riel at gmail dot com, and she would be happy to answer your questions. And now it's time for the weird and wacky weekly creature feature with Tito and now the weird and wacky weekly Creature feature. This week's crazy critic is the tape. There are phone known species of tapers, although scientists may have discovered 1/5 1 but the jury's still out on that. Three of the species live in Central and South America, and the other one lives in Southeast Asia. All taped breast species are reason endangered or vulnerable. Tapers are related to horses, zebras and rhinos. Some even have a short mate. It looks kind of like a Mohawk. The Taper prefers the damp, wooded areas of the rainforests and eats only plants, so that makes it a nerve Afful. Some capers can seat up to £75 of plants a day. That's like someone's entire landscaping. Tapers haven't knows that an upper lip that is pre Hance. I'll meaning it can move in all directions like a short trunk. They've also been known to run into the water to avoid predators. Stay in under water for hours. How do they breathe? You ask. They used that short trunk as a snorkel. Now that's a handy schnoz. If you ask me, I'm Tito and I'll see youse all next week. That wraps up today's show Amazon on Fire Part two, and our question of the week is, do you think you and your family could go meatless for one day a week. I think I could do that. Let us know by living a comment here either on iTunes or on YouTube. You can email it to nature. Just got really at gmail dot com or give us or leave us a message at 6162596742 Thank you for listening. Bye bye. That wraps up the show for today. Thank you to our sponsor, Weed and Wacky Planet. And thank you for listening. Thank you for caring. And thank you for sharing. Don't forget to write a review and subscribe. So you don't miss an episode. Let us know if you do. We might mention you on the show until next week. Go have an adventure in your neighborhood.