Car Stuff Podcast

Auto Industry Shutdown, 2020 Toyota 4Runner

Sam Fiorani, Vice President of Global Vehicle Forecasting for AutoForecast Solutions Season 1 Episode 22

Host Tom Appel and co-hosts Jill Ciminillo and Damon Bell kick off our first remotely recorded show by discussing a few of the ways the Big Three automakers are helping in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Next, we talk about our test-drive experiences with the 2020 Toyota 4Runner. Sam Fiorani, Vice President of Global Vehicle Forecasting for AutoForecast Solutions, calls in to discuss the various effects of COVID-19 on the global automotive industry, as well as the memorable feature articles he penned for Collectible Automobile magazine on the DeLorean and the Vector supercar. Tom has an obscure-TV-vehicle quiz for Damon and Jill, and Damon runs down the latest articles on the Consumer Guide Daily Drive blog--including a gallery of sparsely populated Chicagoland locations photographed in the wake of Illinois's "shelter-in-place" order.