Intuitive High Performance with Greg Riley

Plant Medicine Integration with Brett Richardson

July 29, 2020 Greg Riley and Michael McNair Season 1 Episode 12
Plant Medicine Integration with Brett Richardson
Intuitive High Performance with Greg Riley
More Info
Intuitive High Performance with Greg Riley
Plant Medicine Integration with Brett Richardson
Jul 29, 2020 Season 1 Episode 12
Greg Riley and Michael McNair

During this podcast Greg and Michael talk to Brett Richardson about integration post plant medicine ceremony.  

In this podcast we will discuss the following topics and even more:

Integrating Plant Medicine Ceremony

Being called to a plant medicine ceremony is a rite of passage to connect into higher states of consciousness. Some who journey through ‘the mother’ are more often than not are left with more questions than answers. 

·      What is plant medicine -> mother being and its relevance to the Universe

·      Trend of 21st century humans -> path of the 3D human being drawn to the egoic notion of plant medicine ceremony

·      Integration of ceremony and what this means for us -> activation of light body, contact with beings in different dimension

·      How to ‘be’ after ceremony -> journaling, contemplation, sound healing – time frame 4-12 weeks.

Brett Richardson is a multidimensional healer who has had connection to this space since the age of 6 years old. Through his work in coming into contact with other dimensions, people from all over Australia have been drawn to Brett’s work to integrate these profound and intimate experiences.

Below are resources to connect with Brett and check out his material:


Instagram: @iamraonline

YouTube: iamRAonline


Greg and Michaels details

Greg’s website:

Greg’s Facebook pages:


Michael McNair


Five Dimensions

Show Notes

During this podcast Greg and Michael talk to Brett Richardson about integration post plant medicine ceremony.  

In this podcast we will discuss the following topics and even more:

Integrating Plant Medicine Ceremony

Being called to a plant medicine ceremony is a rite of passage to connect into higher states of consciousness. Some who journey through ‘the mother’ are more often than not are left with more questions than answers. 

·      What is plant medicine -> mother being and its relevance to the Universe

·      Trend of 21st century humans -> path of the 3D human being drawn to the egoic notion of plant medicine ceremony

·      Integration of ceremony and what this means for us -> activation of light body, contact with beings in different dimension

·      How to ‘be’ after ceremony -> journaling, contemplation, sound healing – time frame 4-12 weeks.

Brett Richardson is a multidimensional healer who has had connection to this space since the age of 6 years old. Through his work in coming into contact with other dimensions, people from all over Australia have been drawn to Brett’s work to integrate these profound and intimate experiences.

Below are resources to connect with Brett and check out his material:


Instagram: @iamraonline

YouTube: iamRAonline


Greg and Michaels details

Greg’s website:

Greg’s Facebook pages:


Michael McNair


Five Dimensions