Intuitive High Performance with Greg Riley

How to Rediscover your Masculinity and Forging Excalibur with Michael Lauria

December 20, 2020 Greg Riley and Michael McNair Season 1 Episode 16
How to Rediscover your Masculinity and Forging Excalibur with Michael Lauria
Intuitive High Performance with Greg Riley
More Info
Intuitive High Performance with Greg Riley
How to Rediscover your Masculinity and Forging Excalibur with Michael Lauria
Dec 20, 2020 Season 1 Episode 16
Greg Riley and Michael McNair

During this podcast Greg and Michael talk to Michael Lauria about his mission to help men rediscover their masculinity through his Forging Excalibur program

In this podcast we will discuss the following topics and even more:

What is Forging Excalibur.
The problem with masculinity and men today.
How did we get here?
What he sees with men are the biggest issues today?
What type of men are we bringing up today?  How can we improve this?
How and where we can start to make rapid change in our lives quickly and easily.

Michael Lauria is the author of the Amazon best seller Men’s Personal Development book ‘Forging Excalibur – Rediscover your Masculinity’. He is a Men’s Mentor, Relationship Coach & International Keynote Speaker. Creator of The Forging Excalibur Podcast, Host of the international Television show ‘Forging Excalibur – The Hero’s Journey’ and originator of  the highly acclaimed and transformational suite of programs : “The Hero’s Journey Immersive Experience for Men”. Michael is a Father of 3, Married and lives in Melbourne, Australia. 

Michael Contact Details are: – Speaking, Keynotes and Appearances – Forging Excalibur, Book, Origins, and Programs including his signature “The Hero’s Journey Immersive Experience” 

Podcast Link Spotify:

Podcast Link iTunes:

Greg and Michaels details

Greg’s website:

Greg’s Facebook pages:


Michael McNair


Five Dimensions

Show Notes

During this podcast Greg and Michael talk to Michael Lauria about his mission to help men rediscover their masculinity through his Forging Excalibur program

In this podcast we will discuss the following topics and even more:

What is Forging Excalibur.
The problem with masculinity and men today.
How did we get here?
What he sees with men are the biggest issues today?
What type of men are we bringing up today?  How can we improve this?
How and where we can start to make rapid change in our lives quickly and easily.

Michael Lauria is the author of the Amazon best seller Men’s Personal Development book ‘Forging Excalibur – Rediscover your Masculinity’. He is a Men’s Mentor, Relationship Coach & International Keynote Speaker. Creator of The Forging Excalibur Podcast, Host of the international Television show ‘Forging Excalibur – The Hero’s Journey’ and originator of  the highly acclaimed and transformational suite of programs : “The Hero’s Journey Immersive Experience for Men”. Michael is a Father of 3, Married and lives in Melbourne, Australia. 

Michael Contact Details are: – Speaking, Keynotes and Appearances – Forging Excalibur, Book, Origins, and Programs including his signature “The Hero’s Journey Immersive Experience” 

Podcast Link Spotify:

Podcast Link iTunes:

Greg and Michaels details

Greg’s website:

Greg’s Facebook pages:


Michael McNair


Five Dimensions