Intuitive High Performance with Greg Riley

7 Attentions, Consciousness, Success, Reality Hacking and the Illusion of Self with Jeremy Ta'Kody

October 13, 2021 Greg Riley and Michael McNair
7 Attentions, Consciousness, Success, Reality Hacking and the Illusion of Self with Jeremy Ta'Kody
Intuitive High Performance with Greg Riley
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Intuitive High Performance with Greg Riley
7 Attentions, Consciousness, Success, Reality Hacking and the Illusion of Self with Jeremy Ta'Kody
Oct 13, 2021
Greg Riley and Michael McNair

Jeremy Ta'Kody is a world leading coach that creates transformation in people and coaches through his 7 Attentions method.  Jeremy is also a leading Martial Arts trainer and through this and his 7 attentions he creates deep connection and flow in people wishing to push the limits in human potential.  We did not cover everything in this podcast so there will be a volume 2 however here is some of what we discuss:

  • Who is Jeremy Ta'Kody
  • What are we looking for in life? Freedom, Success? What is that and what does it look like?
  • What is true Happiness?
  • Language Patterns and the Sub-Conscious
  • The real nature of thought, experiences and circumstances.
  • The path to true healing.
  • Self Awareness, vibration and frequency.
  • Identity, Ego and the personality and the illusion of self.
  • The 7 attentions (5 of the 7)

Jeremy's details are:

Greg and Michaels details

Greg’s website:

Greg’s Facebook pages:
Michael McNair

 Five Dimensions

Show Notes

Jeremy Ta'Kody is a world leading coach that creates transformation in people and coaches through his 7 Attentions method.  Jeremy is also a leading Martial Arts trainer and through this and his 7 attentions he creates deep connection and flow in people wishing to push the limits in human potential.  We did not cover everything in this podcast so there will be a volume 2 however here is some of what we discuss:

  • Who is Jeremy Ta'Kody
  • What are we looking for in life? Freedom, Success? What is that and what does it look like?
  • What is true Happiness?
  • Language Patterns and the Sub-Conscious
  • The real nature of thought, experiences and circumstances.
  • The path to true healing.
  • Self Awareness, vibration and frequency.
  • Identity, Ego and the personality and the illusion of self.
  • The 7 attentions (5 of the 7)

Jeremy's details are:

Greg and Michaels details

Greg’s website:

Greg’s Facebook pages:
Michael McNair

 Five Dimensions