64. Your Phone Consumption Is Nutrition, Too and Here Is Why You Need a Diet with Dr. Adrienne Youdim
Health Bite
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Health Bite
64. Your Phone Consumption Is Nutrition, Too and Here Is Why You Need a Diet with Dr. Adrienne Youdim
Jan 31, 2022
Dr. Adrienne Youdim

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 No matter the advantages of having a smartphone nowadays, still, our health should always be taken into consideration in the first place.

 Statistics show that half of the Americans usually spend 5-6 hours in front of their smartphones, basically forming up ¼ of our 24 hour days, and that’s scary! We tend to just scroll, scroll, scroll especially on social media and the like, and now, we feel like it’s affecting us way too much that we can’t even handle it sometimes.

Remember, whatever you eat and put into your mouth is also food for the mind.

Join us today as we talk about phone usage and the importance of keeping it low with Dr. Adrienne.

In this episode, Dr. Adrienne talks about phone consumption and nutrition as well as its relation to one another. Here, she shares tips on how someone can get back to work in a focused state of self, no longer just bored.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Discover how our phone consumption affects our mood, cognition, and quality of sleep;
  • Understand why it’s truly life-changing to have your own alarm clock instead of using the one on your phone; and
  • Find out how you can win over excessive phone consumption and finally start a better life

Key Takeaways:

“Anything you put in front of your mind and body is consumption.” – Adrienne Youdim

“Remember, if you are primed into fight mode, then you're not primed for deep attention or focus; you're primed to flee.” – Adrienne Youdim

“There's a quote that I uncovered recently by Thomas Edison, which says, ‘Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.’” – Adrienne Youdim


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