SpaceBase Podcast

On Clean Energy, Sustainable Aviation, and the First Electric Plane in New Zealand: An Interview with Gary Freedman

Episode 24

An interview with  Gary Freedman, founder and CEO of ElectricAir, a clean aviation company bringing electric flight to New Zealand. He’s worked for green energy companies in the UK.  like Ecotricity, the very first green energy company in the world, and with Meridian in New Zealand who only generate from renewable energy sources. His Pipistrel Alpha Electro is the first electric plane in NZ.

In this interview, we talked about Gary’s personal journey from clean and sustainable energy to sustainable aviation, and his role in bringing the first electric airplane to New Zealand. From his  vision to create a fleet of electric training planes, to catalyzing a domestic electric-driven aviation economy in New Zealand,  his moonshot is inspirational and brings us closer to a sustainable future in transportation.

Additional Resources:
For information on how to fly with ElectricAir or arrange a visit, go to the website or send an email to

Fully Charged - show on everything about electric vehicles

Hosted by: Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, Co-Founder, SpaceBase
 Music: reCreation by airtone (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons (3.0)
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