SpaceBase Podcast

Scrapy Entrepreneurship Can Get Your Tech on an Electron Rocket: An Interview with Astrix CEO, Fia Jones

Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom Episode 33

An interview  with Fia Jones. Fia is CEO of Astrix Astronautics. Astrix is a satellite startup that aims at inventing an alternate power generation system, which produces more power without compromising functionality of a satellite.  In 2019, her team won the New Venture Category Prize at the  Velocity’s $100K Challenge.  Fia is pursuing a Physics degree at the University of Auckland when she founded Astrix.  Today, Astrix has received funding from companies like Rocket Lab, K1W1 Ventures  and Icehouse to further its development and is closely advised by Peter Beck.  Astrix is getting ready to launch their first space system from an electron rocket in December!

In this interview, Fia talks about her journey so far from space fanatic to scrapy enterpreneur at Astrix . Listen to the incredible story of how she became a CEO at such an early age, and her team's ingenuity, passion, and guts landing them a close relationship with Rocket Lab's CEO. 

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Notable space websites:
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Women in Space Aotearoa New Zealand

Hosted by: Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, Co-Founder and CEO, SpaceBase
Music: reCreation by airtone (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons (3.0)

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